2019-08-16 12:23:11
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Candidates from all over Brazil participate in the Specialist Title Test – Special Category
On August 3rd, CBR held the Specialist Title Test – Special Category, covering the areas of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis, Interventional Radiology and General Angioradiology and Ultrasonography. The exam brought together 283 candidates from all over Brazil and was held in the city of São Paulo (SP). The title of specialist is essential for the career of a radiologist, both in serving the population and in teaching and research activities. The special test is carried out only for people who already have a training period and is an exam recommended by the Brazilian Medical Association (AMB) to be carried out every five years by all its affiliated societies. The criteria that the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) and the AMB adopted were 15 years of medical training to take the test and 10 years of proven experience in the area for the Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging and Ultrasound tests. As for the area of Interventional Radiology and Angioradiology, the requirements were training up to 2008 and six years of experience. “It is an extensive test, covering theoretical, theoretical-practical and oral-practical stages, as well as curriculum analysis and interview, and must pass at least 60% each. It is important to emphasize that it is not a test to simply deliver the Title of Specialist. It is a rigorous exam, which selects candidates who have sufficient knowledge to obtain the title”, reinforces Dr. Túlio Macedo, coordinator of the CBR Title and Admission Commission. For candidate Dr. João Paulo Giacomini Bernardes, who came from Brasilia to take the Interventional Radiology exam, said that he had a long preparation, with a lot of study and that this was reflected at the time of the evaluation. “The questions managed to address the various areas of Interventional Radiology, both with regard to the non-vascular percutaneous part and the vascular part and Neuroradiology, with very pertinent questions”, he says. On the practical test, Dr. João Paulo said that he evaluated a case of hepatocellular carcinoma, going from the diagnostic criteria to the possibilities of treatment, knowledge of the techniques and materials used. “Whoever prepared and is inserted in the market working with this subject would not have great difficulties”, he concludes. Already Dr. Fabiano Acacio Bertol Carloto came from Campo Grande (MS) to take the Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging exam and highlighted the agility in the evaluation process. “The evaluation was very easy, it wasn't too long or tiring. The practical test was also very objective and the reception of the evaluators was very welcoming, I felt very comfortable”, he declared. Likewise, Dr. Rodrigo Rozelum, from Rio de Janeiro, highlighted the balance between expectation and reality. “From the study I had, the test met all my expectations, adequate, in addition to being very well organized”, he said. The templates for the Proof of Title – Special Category will be available on the CBR website from 12:00 on August 26th. The period for appeals from that same day until 12:00 pm on August 27 through candidate access. In October, there will be another edition of the Specialist Title Test - Regular, which will take place in Fortaleza, on October 9, covering the areas of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging and General Ultrasound. Applications are open until the 30th of August. Check the regulations and sign up! https://cbr.org.br/prova-de-titulo-de-especialista-rddi-cbr-outubro-de-2019/