CBR will participate in Medical Fair Brasil 2023

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) will support Medical Fair Brasil 2023, the largest fair in the health sector, which will have a Brazilian edition. The event will take place from September 26th to 28th, at Expo Center Norte, in São Paulo (SP). The participation of CBR in the event is extremely important, … Continue lendo

Module 5 of the Clinics Management Course teaches which care is necessary for decision-making when investing in your clinic, laboratory or diagnostic imaging service

It took place on the 27th and 28th of October at the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) of the Clinical Management Course – Module 5, which was taught by professors Carlos Moura and Paulo Alexandrino. The main objective of this module was to teach professionals working in the Supplementary Health segment to analyze … Continue lendo

World Patient Safety Day and diagnostic imaging services

The theme for World Patient Safety Day this year is “Medicine Safety”. In diagnostic imaging services, in addition to specific medications, high-alert medications are used, such as sedatives, vasopressors and blood clotting modifiers. Clinics and hospitals accredited by Padi comply with a series of safety standards in … Continue lendo