The CBR-ESOR Scholarship Program, a partnership between the Brazilian College of Radiology and the European School of Radiology, which has the support of Bayer, includes the three winners with scholarships in Europe

Caption: Delivery of certificates to recipients of the CBR-ESOR 2024 Scholarship program. From left to right are: Dr. Cibele Carvalho – President of the CBR, Dr. Vítor Carminatti, Dr. Daniela Pupo – Medical Manager of Radiology at Bayer, Dr. Renato Toshio, Dr. Ronaldo Baroni – Scientific Director of CBR and Dr. Mateus EsmeraldoCredit: CBR The three … Continue lendo

World Forum Trends In Ultrasound 2023 takes place virtually this month

The World Forum Trends In Ultrasound 2023 is open for registration, the event will take place on September 23rd, online 100%. This year, our virtual meeting will be entirely dedicated to the theme 'Ultrasound' and will feature lectures by leading Brazilian and foreign experts. Stay up to date on CBR's social media, follow us on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn... Continue lendo

Check out the themes and lectures of the CBR23 Arenas

The 52nd Brazilian Congress of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (CBR23) will feature a rich scientific program and the presence of several international specialists in various subspecialties. CBR 23 will take place from October 12th to 14th, at Windsor Oceânico, located in Barra da Tijuca (RJ). In all, our Congress will have four modern Arenas, check out the … Continue lendo

Check out the themes and classes of the CBR23 Intensive Courses

The 52nd Brazilian Congress of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (CBR23) will feature a rich scientific program and the presence of several international specialists in various subspecialties. CBR23 will take place from October 12th to 14th, at Windsor Oceânico, located in Barra da Tijuca (RJ). In all, our Congress will have six Intensive Courses, check out the themes, … Continue lendo

The “CBR ESOR Asklepios Chest Course 2023 – Thoracic Radiology” will take place in two cities in Brazil

The European School of Radiology (ESOR) together with the European Society of Radiology (ESR), a partner of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR), will make available to Brazilian radiologists the “CBR ESOR Asklepios Chest Course 2023 – Thoracic Radiology”, which will be applied in two cities in the country. The first location will be in Belo Horizonte (MG), … Continue lendo