CBR Documentary: “The Visible Difference: Radiology on Other Screens”

CBR DOCUMENTARY: “THE VISIBLE DIFFERENCE: RADIOLOGY ON OTHER SCREENS” The Visible Difference: Radiology on other screens is an original and exclusive documentary, whose main objective is to demonstrate the life history and daily activities of radiologists from different regions of the country: Midwest, North, Northeast, Southeast and South. During … Continue lendo

Call Notice for the Ordinary General Meeting

Members of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Imaging Diagnostics (CBR), CNPJ/MF No. 62.839.691/0001-79, are invited to participate in the Ordinary General Meeting, to be held virtually on Sunday, October 10, 2021 , from 12:00, in order to deliberate on the following AGENDA: a) Presentation of the Board of Directors’ report b) Opinion … Continue lendo

Note to your CBR and Febrasgo members

In compliance with the decision issued in Process nº 1037525-81.2021.4.01.3400, moved by the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) against the Federal Council of Nursing, the Brazilian College of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis (CBR) and the Brazilian Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FEBRASGO) clarify the following: 1. This is a provisional decision, issued in the initial phase … Continue lendo

CBR supports campaign for mammography in SUS from the age of 40

Committed to the dissemination of quality information based on scientific knowledge, the Brazilian College of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis was invited to support the social mobilization campaign Mammography in the SUS from the age of 40. Launched by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer, the objective is to take advantage of the National Mammography Day, on the 5th of … Continue lendo

In an official letter, ANS responds to CBR's request to update the website in the search field on coverage of the US procedure - Endometriosis Research

National Supplementary Health Agency recognizes immediate and mandatory coverage by the List of Procedures and Health Events of the new procedure, US – Endometriosis Research (40901858). Click here to read the letter in full. The Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR), active in the professional defense of radiologists and committed … Continue lendo

CBR and SBP launch campaign on conscious imaging in children and adolescents

Taking care of your health with care and seriousness is a great act of self-love and should be encouraged from childhood. Recently, the Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnosis (CBR) and the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics (SBP) jointly launched the “Justify” campaign, which raises awareness of pediatricians and radiologists about the importance of requesting … Continue lendo

death note

It is with great regret that the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) received the news of the death of radiologist Dr. José de Oliveira Domingues, aged 90, victim of Covid-19, last Monday, the 2/11/2020. doctor José was associated with the CBR and the Society of Radiology of Rio de Janeiro, … Continue lendo

Death Note

It is with great regret that the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) received the news of the death of radiologist Dr. Carlos Goedert, victim of Covid-19. doctor Carlos was a member of the CBR and worked as a radiologist at Cetac (PR). The CBR, on behalf of Brazilian Radiology, expresses solidarity and its … Continue lendo