Death Note

It was with great regret that the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) received the news of the death of Dr. Rubens Marcondes Pereira, aged 91. doctor Rubens was one of the biggest names in Radiology in Brazil. He was president of the CBR in the biennium 1973/1975 and head of the Department of Radiology at the Faculty … Continue lendo

Errata: Official position of the CBR in defense of Ultrasound

CBR announces that, based on the note published on June 22 in its channels, such as the website and social networks, its hired Press Office produced a release to be disseminated among the communication vehicles. The text, however, was released with an error, in which it mentions that a regulation … Continue lendo

Get to know IdeiaGov, a collaboration program between society and the public administration of the State of São Paulo

Recently launched, IdeiaGov is a collaboration program between society and the public administration of the State of São Paulo. The objective is to encourage the private sector to offer ideas and generate technological solutions that improve management performance and consequently bring benefits to citizens. The main role in training managers … Continue lendo

ABCDI has a new partner and more benefits for associated clinics

ABCDI signed a new partnership with SpinEcho consulting, a technical and commercial advisory company specialized in diagnostic imaging equipment. With this new benefit, clinics associated with ABCDI can count on support oriented to their needs, always focusing on the best cost-benefit ratio. 20% discount will be offered … Continue lendo

Microhemorrhagic lesions and impregnation in the olfactory bulbs are detected on MRI in patients with COVID-19 by Brazilian researchers and a study is published in the American Journal Of Neuroradiology (AJNR)

One of the most renowned scientific journals in the world (AJNR) accepted on June 1st and published an article with new findings that were described by Brazilian researchers related to microhemorrhagic lesions and, probably, also, impregnation in the olfactory bulbs of patients with COVID-19 with or without anosmia. The title of the article is “Anosmia in COVID-19… Continue lendo

New dates and locations for the Sufficiency Exam to obtain the Title of Specialist and/or Certificate in the Area of Practice 2020

Many changes and adaptations are being necessary because of this moment we are living. They all impact our lives in some way and it wouldn't be any different with the CBR Title Proof. Thinking about everyone's safety and the feeling of those who have dedicated themselves to their studies and looking forward to the realization of their … Continue lendo

How should the radiologist proceed when faced with pulmonary abnormalities identified on CT scans of the abdomen during the SARSCoV-2 pandemic?

Findings of lung lesions in COVID-19 include ground-glass opacities and peripheral consolidations, which may have a nodular appearance and predominance at baseline. Pleural effusions are not commonly seen (1,2). Although not specific, these findings should lead to the suspicion of SARS-CoV-2 infection in this pandemic period. The radiologist should always review the lung bases... Continue lendo