Note of clarification: Videos spread false information about Mammography

The Brazilian College of Radiology (CBR), the Brazilian Society of Mastology (SBM) and the Brazilian Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics Associations (FEBRASGO) are obliged to release a note of clarification in response to the videos recently published in the electronic media ( Youtube), which irresponsibly disseminate distorted information about the detection and diagnosis … Continue lendo

CBR holds meeting in Brasilia to sensitize ANS

The meeting was held in the office of the federal deputy, Dr. Zacharias Calil, from Goiás In the last two years, an imbalance in the regulations and actions of the National Health Agency (ANS) has been identified. All new regulations bring immediate negative impacts to healthcare providers and benefit healthcare providers. As if that weren't enough already... Continue lendo

There's still time: sign up for the MBA Management in Diagnostic Medicine

Members of CBR, SBP and SBPC have a 20% discount on monthly fees The Management MBA in Diagnostic Medicine, in partnership with FIA (Fundação Instituto de Administração), provides an opportunity for professionals seeking to update and develop skills in order to develop a better managing your business or as a professional in your environment… Continue lendo

June will be marked by several Radiology days

On May 31st and June 1st, in the morning and afternoon, the Barra Shopping Sul Events Center will host the XXIX Gaúcha Day of Radiology – JGR2019, promoted by the Gaúcha Association of Radiology – AGR. The event will feature several activities presented by doctors, nurses, technicians and other professionals specialized in the subject. … Continue lendo

Flaus: check out the full schedule and guarantee your registration!

The XIX Latin American Congress of Ultrasound (Flaus) will feature a wide scientific program. Brazilian and foreign professors will address classes in the specialties Gynecology and Obstetrics, Internal Medicine and Small Parts, in addition to Hands On activities. The event of the Latin American Federation of Ultrasound Societies (Flaus), which has the support of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnosis … Continue lendo

CBR Update Course reinforces its contribution to the radiology community

An activity considered a large decentralized congress, it took renowned speakers to various locations in Brazil Held on March 22 and 23 in practically the entire national territory, the CBR 2019 Update Course, which, this year, arrives in its 10th edition, reinforcing yet another his important contribution to the radiology community. A … Continue lendo