How much and how do Brazilian radiologists study?

This was the subject of the study developed by the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) through the Teaching, Improvement and Medical Residency Commission (CEAR) with the support of several researchers. The complete results will be published by CBR in the coming months, through its communication channels. Before widespread adoption... Continue lendo


In a recent event in the city of São Paulo, after the Revocation of Resolution CFM 2227/2018 that regulated Telemedicine, one of the topics discussed was Teleultrasonography, resulting in the following question: can the evaluation and report of Ultrasonography be done remotely? The Standardization of Teleradiology, which is contemplated in Resolution CFM 2107/2014, makes it clear … Continue lendo

Flaus: delegates can book a hotel with a special discount until May 1st

Attendees registered for the XIX Latin American Congress of Ultrasound (Flaus) can guarantee their accommodation with special conditions until May 1st. Payment can be made in up to two interest-free installments. Go to and enjoy! As already disclosed by CBR, the event will feature a wide scientific program, with Brazilian professors … Continue lendo

SRad-RJ announces its upcoming events

The Breast Radiology Study Group will resume its meetings this Wednesday (24) with an inaugural class with Dr. Ellyete Canella on the theme Camera Lucida in Mammography. Coordinated by the Vice President of Breast Image at SRad-RJ, Dr. Letícia Gonçalves, the sessions will be bimonthly with the participation of various state services presenting cases … Continue lendo

Note of clarification: Videos spread false information about Mammography

The Brazilian College of Radiology (CBR), the Brazilian Society of Mastology (SBM) and the Brazilian Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics Associations (FEBRASGO) are obliged to release a note of clarification in response to the videos recently published in the electronic media ( Youtube), which irresponsibly disseminate distorted information about the detection and diagnosis … Continue lendo