CBR Update Course: There's still time to sign up, enjoy!

This important decentralized congress, held by CBR in conjunction with state societies, aims to provide the exchange of experiences, with speakers from a different state from which they will present and, whenever possible, even from a different region of the country. . This year the activity reaches its 10th edition and … Continue lendo

New SORAM board elected in February

On February 22, the new board of the Society of Radiology and Imaging Diagnostics of Amazonas (SORAM) was elected by acclamation, with Dr. Jorge Roberto Di Tommaso Leão as president, along with the other members of the list, Dr. José Antônio Siqueira Arruda Camara, as vice president, Dr. Sidney Richard … Continue lendo

SRP invites to the Pneumoconiosis Radiological Reading Course

SRP invites you to the Course on Radiological Reading of Pneumoconioses according to the standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO), held in Curitiba, from April 10th to 13th, under the supervision of fundacentro. The course is aimed at radiologists, pulmonologists, as well as for the areas of occupational medicine and internal medicine, and … Continue lendo

Whatsapp and similar platforms for case discussions Understanding of CFM

In an important opinion on a current topic and which contains controversial issues, the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) concluded that digital communication platforms, such as WhatsApp, can be used by professionals to discuss medical cases. CFM opinion No. 14/2017, issued by Dr. Emmanuel Fortes S. Cavalcanti, highlighted, however, some points that must be … Continue lendo

CBR at the European Congress of Radiology

Many activities and new partnerships marked the College's participation in this edition The European Congress of Radiology (ECR) is one of the largest and most important world events in the specialty and, this year, it took place from February 27th to March 3rd. The ESR, chaired by Lorenzo Derchi, announced a record attendance, with the participation of … Continue lendo

Hands On on interstitial lung diseases will discuss around 25 cases

The course, which will take place on March 16 at the CBR Continuing Medical Education Center (CEMC CBR), in São Paulo, will feature a theoretical context related to the most recent consensus on interstitial pneumonia and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, addressing around 25 cases. Students will be able to evaluate dedicated cases on individual computers and … Continue lendo

CBR holds a meeting with the Brazilian Association of Medical Physics

Last Thursday (21), the president of the CBR, Dr. Alair Sarmet Santos, met with Dr. Homero Martins, president of the Brazilian Association of Medical Physics (ABFM), and physicist Renato Dimenstein, at the Colégio's headquarters, in São Paulo. The meeting aimed to align the performance of the two entities, discussing opportunities for … Continue lendo

Application period for the “Escola Latinoamericana de Radiologia” Program closes this Friday (28)

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR), as the representative of the Inter-American College of Radiology (CIR) in Brazil, supports this important initiative. The program, which has the support of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) and the Guerbet laboratory, offers 10 training internship grants in different subspecialties. The bags will… Continue lendo