New dates and locations for the Sufficiency Exam to obtain the Title of Specialist and/or Certificate in the Area of Practice 2020

Many changes and adaptations are being necessary because of this moment we are living. They all impact our lives in some way and it wouldn't be any different with the CBR Title Proof. Thinking about everyone's safety and the feeling of those who have dedicated themselves to their studies and looking forward to the realization of their … Continue lendo

Important announcement about the Sufficiency Examination for Obtaining the Title of Specialist and Certificate in the Area of Practice – 2020 Edition

In accordance with all the recommendations and alerts issued by the federal and state authorities, which determined the closure of establishments and other measures to isolate the population due to community contagion by the new Coronavirus (COVID-19) and, in compliance with Ordinance AMB nº 005 , published on March 18, 2020, which provides for the … Continue lendo