2024-01-17 15:44:14 - 24

CBR achieves all objectives in 2023

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis (CBR) ends the year 2023 with all objectives achieved. During the year, we made progress in the scientific areas, training, professional defense, rapprochement with national and international radiological societies, and on all fronts on which we operate. This was the first year of the biennium in which Dr. Cibele Carvalho - President of the CBR will be at the head of the CBR. 

In February, we had the inauguration ceremony for the new CBR board (2023-2024). The Ceremony Table was composed of: Dr. Aldemir Soares, representing the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM), Dr. Maria Rita de Souza Mesquita, representing the Brazilian Medical Association (AMB), Dr. Alair Sarmet Santos, president of the Advisory Council of the CBR (2021-2022 biennium), Dr. Valdair Muglia, president of the CBR (2021-2022 biennium) and the elected president, Dr. Cibele Carvalho.

Credit: CBR

Training (degrees, teaching and Academic Leagues & Graduation)

The first activity this year was the Annual Assessment of Residents and Advanced Students, which took place on January 29th and was attended by 1,100 candidates. The Annual Resident Assessment has been carried out for over 20 years, always in constant improvement and harmony in the education system. The first stage of the Specialist Title and Area Certificate Test took place on May 21, in six cities in Brazil: Belo Horizonte (MG), Brasília (DF), Curitiba (PR), Rio de Janeiro (RJ ), Recife (PE) and São Paulo (SP), and had 871 candidates. The second stage of the test was also successful, in total 502 people took the test on the 8th and 9th of July, at the Institute of Radiology at Hospital das Clínicas (InRad), in São Paulo (SP). 

In the second semester, one day before the 52nd Brazilian Congress of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis (CBR 23), the second edition of the 2023 Specialist Title Test took place. This edition had 693 candidates registered and took place at Windsor Oceânico, in Barra from Tijuca (RJ). 

In 2023, 498 Specialist Titles and 115 Area of Expertise Certificates were issued by the CBR/AMB.

We had 1954 residents registered on the CEAR platform, 95 RDI Improvement Programs registered, 156 MEC RDI Programs registered, 108 programs Fellow registered, 28 US Improvement programs registered, eight in-person inspections, Review of Minimum Requirements and Standards for Accreditation and Classification of accredited Services.

In addition to all the numbers mentioned, the College maintained scientific support and encouragement for the Academic Leagues of Radiology and subspecialties. This year there were 120 Leagues registered.

Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR


The CBR Diagnostic Imaging Accreditation Program (Padi) carried out several activities throughout the year. This year, Padi offered several webinars, courses and symposiums. In the first semester, in March, we had the Risk Management in Diagnostic Imaging course. Subsequently, in April Padi presented a panel during JPR23, which had 120 participants. In the second semester, we had the 1st Bahian Symposium on Quality and Management of Clinics at CBR and it was a success, with the participation of more than 80 people. 

Padi also organized the 1st Congress of Accreditation and Quality in Diagnostic Medicine. The event took place during the Medical Fair, in São Paulo. The congress was the first event on Accreditation and Quality, specific to the sector, with the presence of more than 150 congressmen. The CBR Accreditation Program in Diagnostic Imaging also participated in the 39th ISQua Congress and was the accreditation program that submitted the most papers, five in total. During CBR 23, Padi held the 11th Clinical Quality and Management Symposium. The Symposium was an absolute success with an excellent scientific schedule over the three days of the event. Padi's last activity will be the internal auditor course, which will take place on the 12th, 13th and 14th of December. 

Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR

International relations

CBR attended ten international events with the aim of representing Brazilian Radiology. The first of these was the European Radiology Congress from March 1st to 5th, in Vienna/Austria. Afterwards, CBR was in 82nd Annual Meeting of Japan Radiological Society, which took place from April 13th to 16th, in Yokohama, Japan. We were also present at the ESGAR annual meeting, in Valencia, Spain. The event took place in June, between the 13th and 16th. In the same month, CBR participated in the CIR's VI Update Course / Comprehensive Oncological Imaging Course, which took place between June 29th and July 1st, in Cancún, In Mexico. In August, we were at the FLAUS Congress, on the 25th and 26th of August, in Panama.

In September, we participated in two major events simultaneously, the ESUR Annual Meeting in Rome, Italy, between the 21st and 24th and the Argentine Congress of Diagnostic Imaging, from the 21st to 23rd, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In addition to the events mentioned, on September 23rd the CBR organized the World Forum Trends In Ultrasound 2023. The event took place 100% online and included the latest in the discussion about Ultrasonography in Brazil and around the world. Divided into three blocks, the event featured ten international guests, four national societies linked to ultrasound in addition to the main names from USG worldwide.

From October 10th to 14th, we were at the FMRI Imagem Seccional 2023 course, which took place in Guadalajara, Mexico. And CBR's last participation in international events in 2023 was RSNA 2023, from November 26th to 30th, in Chicago, in the United States. At the world's main radiology event, CBR was present with a stand at International Village, and participated in several meetings with international societies.

In addition to the events, this year CBR also had the presence of 36 international guests at CBR23, highlighting CBR's partnerships with several International Societies, cultivated by the College's board of directors over the years. For the first time in Brazil, CBR held the first EDiR test, giving its members the opportunity to obtain an additional certification that allows them to work in several European countries.

Check out some images of the events in which CBR was present:

Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR


Credit: CBR

The Brazilian Association of Diagnostic Imaging Clinics (ABCDI) also carried out several activities and worked on important causes for Diagnostic Imaging Clinics. During 2023, the CBR association offered the Clinic Management course, which had six modules. Like Padi, ABCDI presented a panel during JPR 23. This year, ABCDI expanded its partnerships, adding five new companies to the gallery of member benefits. In order to get closer to its members, ABCDI opened a communication channel via Whatsapp.

Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR

In November, ABCDI launched the new season of Estúdio ABCDI. Its first edition was attended by Dr. Valério Ribeiro, Legal Advisor at CBR, and Dr. Marcelo Lauar, Director of ABCDI, speaking about “Legal Aspects in the Imaging Diagnosis Segment”. The recording of this edition and the 2021 season is available free of charge to members.

Professional Defense

During 2023, we achieved several advances in the field of professional defense. In the first semester we achieved a victory in court in a lawsuit filed against the National Council of Radiology Technicians (CONTER). Still this year, we are fighting with the Brazilian Society of Mastology (SBM) and the Brazilian Society of Clinical Oncology (SBOC) for the incorporation of Tomosynthesis into the ANS List. The agenda has already gone through the public hearing of the National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS), and now the Permanent Health Care Regulation Committee (COSAÚDE) will meet with the presentation of the consolidated report on social participation, technical studies and formulation of final recommendations, preparation technical note for deliberation by DICOL (ANS Collegiate Board). 

Apart from these causes already mentioned, the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR), the Brazilian Medical Association (AMB) and the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) were successful and together they managed to archive PL 2987/19 (a project that recognizes ultrasound as a medical specialty). However, before the bill was filed, the CBR still took a position on false information regarding private activity in Ultrasonography. 

In 2023, CBR also offered the webinar Professional Defense and had the theme “Cost Reduction and Disallowances with the Use of Webservice for Eligibility and Authorization of Exams”, which took place on September 5th.  

The professional defense page on the College's website has a new look. The page has a new visual identity and new information regarding the actions of the Professional Defense Commission. On the website you can access the agenda, regulations and laws, opinions, information about the Brazilian Hierarchical Classification of Medical Procedures (CBHPM), legal library and news about Professional Defense. In total, four opinions were published, three Meetings at the CBHPM Technical Chamber with all requests met, TISS Standard Adoption research and several meetings with the ANS, resulting in the inclusion of Reports and Reviews and Endometriosis Research procedures, such as mandatory coverage.

Cultural Directorate

Credit: CBR

During this year, the CBR Cultural Directorate launched several projects, including the CBR Podcast, with a fortnightly frequency, on different topics; Cultural Clubs, which are publications on our social networks about travel tips, literature, art and cinema; the “Webinar Beyond Radiology”; seal of social responsibility, development of social campaigns. Furthermore, during CBR 23 we had the “Culture and Humanity Arena”, which was a success.

Relationship with the associate

In this area, CBR also managed to maintain quality, guaranteeing all member benefits and rights. The annual dues campaign continued to guarantee several benefits to members, such as:

  • Benefits club
  • Brazilian Congress of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis,
  • Free access to the College's publications: Bulletin CBR, RB and BradCases, in addition to Quality and management services, and representation for legal entity members, through ABCDI.
  • We work directly on projects aimed at education, with research and continuing education courses and events. The College values transparency and for this reason we provide the ethics channel, communicating in a secure and confidential manner, treated anonymously, confidentially and impartially.

Our member relations area also offers professional development, through dialogues, guidelines and consultations. As soon as we managed to archive Bill No. 2987/2010 - which recognizes ultrasound as a medical specialty.


On the educational side, we closed the year brilliantly. In the first semester we had Update 23 - National Radiology Circuit, which took place on April 31st and May 1st. The event was held in the 100% online format and aimed at promoting the updating of professionals in the segment in a theoretical and practical way.

Afterwards, the College in partnership with the European School of Radiology (ESOR) hosted, in Brazil, the CBR ESOR course Asklepios Chest 2023. The classes took place on August 24th and 26th, in Belo Horizonte (MG) and Salvador (BA), respectively.

Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR

In October, the 52nd Brazilian Congress of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis took place. The College's main event was a success. CBR23 took place in Barra da Tijuca (RJ) from October 12th to 14th. We had 1300 scientific activities between refresher courses, hot topics It is boards multidisciplinary, among others. In addition to the participation of 3500 congressmen and more than 1200 residents and medical students.

Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR

Apart from these major events, the educational part of the CBR included several activities. Throughout the year we had several webinars and SIGs. You webinars These are online and live seminars, always addressing a specific radiology topic, often with a multidisciplinary approach and the participation of partner medical societies from Brazil and abroad. SIGs are monthly meetings to discuss clinical cases between institutions and an audience of radiologists and residents in different radiological specialties.