2020-08-19 15:23:53 - 8

CBR supports 1st Emergency Radiology Course held by LiRa-UFF

The course took place between July 27th and 31st by the Radiology Academic League of the Federal Fluminense University (LiRa-UFF) and was considered a great success by all those involved and by the participants. Classes were taught live by big names in Radiology, including Dr. Alair Sarmet Santos, current president of the College, in addition to doctors Manoel Rocha, Valdair Muglia, Maria de Fátima Aragão, Antônio Eiras, Alessandro Severo, Edson Marchiori, Maria Lúcia Soares and João Paulo Queiroz. The event was designed with the aim of addressing the radiological aspects of the most prevalent clinical situations in emergency rooms, fundamental knowledge for every physician, whether he is a radiologist or not. With 3026 enrolled, most of them medical students and radiologists, the course reached hundreds of simultaneous views in live classes and thousands of views in the recordings of classes, which are available on the YouTube channel of Liga de Radiologia da UFF. The select group of professors, the board of LiRa-UFF and the regular listeners of the course made this a unique event in the academic environment, positively surprising everyone with regard to the organization and quality of the classes taught. The course is available to everyone on the league's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2HDWWe3hgN_OBPp_uS_BkQ   Program of the 1st Course in Radiology in Emergency Basic Principles of Radiological Exams in the Emergency - Dr. João Paulo Queiroz Ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke - Profa Dr. Maria de Fátima Aragão Cranioencephalic Trauma - Prof. Maria Lúcia Soares Chest Radiology in the Emergency - Prof. doctor Edson Marchiori Thoracic Trauma - Prof. doctor Alessandro Severo Acute Inflammatory Abdomen - Prof. doctor Antônio Eiras Obstructive Acute Abdomen - Prof. doctor Valdair Muglia Abdominal Trauma - Prof. doctor Manoel Rocha Polytrauma - Prof. doctor Alair Sarmet