2019-02-07 10:44:27 - 8

Census of Radiology: CBR launches “Profile of the specialist in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging in Brazil”

Another important initiative of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR), the book “The profile of the doctor specializing in Radiology and Image Diagnosis in Brazil” was developed in partnership with the Department of Preventive Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of of São Paulo (FMUSP). Click here For download. The purpose of this important material is to provide relevant data on the distribution of Brazilian radiologists to the various interested audiences: radiologists and other specialties, managers of clinics and diagnostic imaging services, journalists and opinion makers, and the general public. The study comprises a detailed analysis of the distribution of radiologists in Brazil, breaking down the regions of the country, age of physicians, areas of expertise, sex of professionals and other relevant data, showing the growth and development of the specialty, which today is among the Top 10 with the highest number of licensed physicians. In addition, there is also very interesting data on the history of radiology in the country, aspects of medical residencies, exams and equipment offers, as well as a detailed interview with professionals in the area about challenges regarding current radiology and its future. Addressing relevant information not only for the medical profession, but also for managers, professors and opinion makers, the book makes public data and descriptions about the profile, demographic characteristics, distribution and performance of radiologists in the country.