The Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) was represented at the European Congress of Radiology (European Congress of Radiology – ECR) 2022, one of the biggest and most important world events of the specialty, held from July 13th to 17th, in Vienna, Austria.
The College had a stand at the ECR. The president of the CBR, Valdair Muglia, and the directors Giuseppe D'Ippolito (International Relations), Luís Ronan Souza (ABCDI), Ronaldo Hueb Baroni (Assistant Scientific) and Rubens Chojniak (first treasurer) participated in several activities of the European Congress of Radiology and met with representatives of organizations representing radiologists from around the world.
Among them, the European School of Radiology (European School of Radiology – ESOR), European Society of Radiology (European Society of Radiology – ESR), Italian Society of Medical and Interventional Radiology (Italian Society of Medical and Interventistic Radiology – SIRM), Mexican Federation of Radiology and Imaging (Mexican Federation of Radiology – FMRI) and French Society of Radiology (Société Française de Radiologie – SFR).
The directors of the CBR also had meetings or encounters with representatives of the following societies: Colombian Association of Radiology (Asociación Colombiana de Radiologia – ACR), European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology – ESGAR), European Society of Breast Imaging (European Society of Breast Imaging – EUSOBI), European Society of Urogenital Radiology (European Society of Urogenital Radiology – ESUR), Society of Radiology of Asia-Oceania (Asian Oceanian Society of Radiology – AOSR), Inter-American College of Radiology (CIR), Radiological Society of North America (Radiological Society of North America – RSNA) and American College of Radiology (American College of Radiology – ACR).
Another important passage for Brazilian radiology at ECR 2022 was the tribute to Manoel Rocha, former president of CBR, who was awarded during the Congress with the title of Honorary Member of the ESR.
Check out the photo gallery of CBR's participation in ECR 2022:
Ronaldo Baroni, Giuseppe D'Ippolito and SIRM representatives
Carlo Catalano (ESR), Giuseppe D'Ippolito and Rubens Chojniak
Prof. Valeria Vilgrain and Mrs Brigitte Lindlbauer
Argentina, Mexico, Colombia and Portugal
“The CBR is the calling card of Brazilian radiologists”
The director of International Relations at CBR, Giuseppe D'Ippolito, talks about the College's participation in ECR 2022 and initiatives to strengthen the Brazilian radiologist internationally. “We want to be recognized as a connection hub between Brazilian radiologists and the rest of the world.” Check out the interview:
How important is CBR's participation in ECR 2022?
Giuseppe D'Ippolito: The European Congress of Radiology is the second largest specialty event in the world. CBR has a tradition of very fruitful relationships with the European Society of Radiology (ESR) and ESOR, which is the European School of Radiology Education. The presence of several members of the CBR board was very important and the fact that we also had a stand there, because it was a point of reference and a position mark, a more concrete presence.
We managed to hold several important meetings with societies, in addition to occasional contacts with many others. One of our focuses, the CBR, was to show these societies that the CBR is the legitimate representative of Brazilian radiologists. It is who represents Brazilian radiologists in the world, recognized by the main Brazilian medical bodies, such as the Brazilian Medical Association (AMB) and the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM).
And what does this reflect for the Brazilian radiologist?
It means that, once international societies recognize the CBR, they recognize Brazilian radiologists. And we are the calling card of Brazilian radiologists. So, this allows us to eventually open the doors of job markets for Brazilian radiologists, open the doors to opportunities for professional growth, scientific partnerships.
With some societies, we define important aspects, for example, regarding the exchange of professors. We will receive foreign professors at our events and we inform these societies that, if they want to invite Brazilian radiologists, they should do so through the CBR. We are opening, paving a path of cooperation and connection with the world.
So, if I am a Brazilian radiologist in the interior of Mato Grosso, in the interior of Goiás, and I want to do a specialization in England, Germany, Austria, France. How do I get to these places? CBR is one way to do that. We even used an expression during our meetings there, of us being recognized as a connection hub between Brazilian radiologists and the rest of the world.
What are CBR's projects in terms of international relations for the coming months?
Specifically, we are going to have some virtual and face-to-face meetings at [annual meeting] RSNA (which takes place from November 27th to December 1st, in Chicago, USA), where we will celebrate the MoU, which are the Memoranda of Understanding with different societies.
And we are already in contact so that, at ACTUALIZA23, we can count on several professors nominated by the societies. In addition, we already have a concrete course that will be organized by ESOR in Brazil, next year, on Thoracic Radiology. We also foresee a CBR23 pre-congress course, organized by CBR together with ESOR.