2020-04-15 09:45:53 - 11

COVID-19 and its legal impacts in Brazil: Compiled on what members need to know

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis, following closely the developments of the most recent pandemic related to the new Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), which has defined important changes in the world and has been affecting our country more intensely in recent days, in order to maintain the commitment to bring relevant information to members, it presents a compilation of practical measures that can collaborate in these difficult times:
  • Initially, it is advised that associates keep up to date on the regulations defined by the Union, States, Municipalities, Medical Councils and other administrative bodies, in order to reduce the impacts of momentary inactivity.
  • It is also recommended that associates pay attention and monitor future changes that may be implemented by these bodies, modifying the guidelines set out here.
Click here and download the PDF document. Follow on site and on social media all the activities that the College has been carrying out due to the pandemic. If you have any questions or suggestions related to the topic, please contact us through these channels! ?