2017-09-01 18:20:58
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1st Radio-Cardio-Renal Meeting takes place in November, in the city of São Paulo
On November 17th and 18th, the first Radio-Cardio-Renal Meeting will take place in São Paulo (SP), an event jointly organized by the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR), the Brazilian Society of Nephrology (SBN), the Brazilian Society of Cardiology (SBC) and the Brazilian Society of Hemodynamics and Interventional Cardiology (SBHCI). The event seeks approximation and interactivity between professionals from different specialties for the benefit of patients. “This will be the first multidisciplinary meeting on some topics of common interest, including topics related to the use of contrasts. The event will feature renowned speakers from these specialties and some controversial issues will be discussed in a multidisciplinary way”, says Dr. Adonis Manzella (PE), coordinator of the CBR Life Assistance Course in Radiology and one of the speakers at the Meeting. The program will be divided into six thematic sessions. At the end of each one of them, a discussion will be open to the public. Among the topics to be addressed are: An update of the contrast media used in Brazil; Use of contrast media in patients with chronic kidney disease; How to use iodinated contrasts in dialysis patients; The use of predictive models (scores) as a preventive measure for kidney damage; Interpretation of creatinine and estimated glomerular filtration rate before performing contrast tests; Cardiorenal syndrome; and Imaging exams in patients with heart failure. In addition to Dr. Adonis Manzella, the following names have already been confirmed for the event: Antonio Carlos Seguro (SP), Carmen Tzanno (SP), Claudia Maria Rodrigues (SP), Dalton Precoma (PR), Débora Miguel Soares (RJ), Denis Szjenfeld (SP ), Expedito Ribeiro (SP), Fabiana Marcondes Braga (SP), Fernando Almeida (SP), Giovanio Vieira da Silva (SP), José Suassuna (RJ), Ledal Lotaif (SP), Lucia Andrade (SP), Marcelo Cantarelli ( SP), Marcelo Mazza (PR), Marcelo Rocha (SP), Marinella Centemero (SP), Maurício Younes (RJ) and Victor Issa (SP). More information and registration on the website: www.radiocardiorenal.org.br.