2024-02-27 18:41:18 - 8

Medical leaders and senators met to debate the invasion of the Medical Act and the expansion of places on Medicine courses

II National Conference on the Invasion of Medical Specialties by non-doctors organized by SBACV Nacional on February 24th at 2pm in São Paulo (SP) and was attended by medical leaders, Dr. Armando Lobato - President of SBACV Nacional; Dr. Ângelo Vattimo - President of CREMESP; Dr. Irene Abramovich - 1st secretary of CREMESP; and Astronauta senators Marcos Pontes and Jaime Bagattoli.

During the conference, the importance of combating the invasion of medical procedures carried out by non-physicians and the need for supervision in the opening of new Medicine courses in the country were discussed.

Dr. Cibele Carvalho – President of the CBR during her speech at the 1st National Conference
of the Invasion of Medical Specialties by non-doctors from SBACV Nacional

Dr. Cibele Carvalho – President of the CBR (@cibeleradio) during the conference spoke about the CBR's struggles in relation to Professional Defense and the victory in the filing of PL 2987/2019 that transformed ultrasound into a medical specialty, the invasion of other health professions that wanted to enter through menus and remove the prerogative of performing ultrasounds from the radiologist.

Dr. Cibele Carvalho – President of the CBR and senator Jaime Bagattoli.

Astronaut Senator Marcos Pontes and Dr. Cibele Carvalho – President of the CBR

During the conference, Senator Astronauta Marcos Pontes presented about PL nº 1914/2023, which will act in defense of the medical act. The PL will be presented in March at a public hearing in the Federal Senate.

Access the public consultation link on PL 1914/2023: