2017-06-09 15:14:41
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Sírio-Libanês is the first hospital to receive PADI certification
Hospital Sírio-Libanês received, on June 6, at its Teaching and Research Institute in the city of São Paulo (SP), the certificate from the Accreditation Program in Diagnostic Imaging (PADI) from the Brazilian College of Radiology (CBR) , being the first hospital service and the third establishment in the country to obtain such accreditation. The person in charge of the Hospital's Diagnostic Imaging Center and former president of CBR, Dr. Giovanni Guido Cerri, the director general of the institution, Dr. Paulo Chapchap, the President of the College, Dr. Manoel de Souza Rocha, the Padi coordinator, Dr. Conrado Cavalcanti, and the director of the CBR, Dr. Rogerio Caldana. “Hospital Sírio-Libanês is absolutely renowned in the country, it has several certifications, but the Padi differential is that it concerns a specific area and is given by people from that same field. It is the recognition by their peers, which is perhaps the greatest,” said Dr. Manoel de Souza Rocha at the opening of the meeting. The president of CBR added: “The College is very proud that the hospital has applied to receive this certification. It was very rewarding and a stimulus for us to improve the process. CBR is even more pleased to deliver the certificate to Sírio-Libanês as recognition that the Image Diagnosis service was accredited by the radiological community”. For Dr. Paulo Chapchap, there is no one better than specialists to have an external look and ensure that quality standards are being met: “An assessment by specialists has a greater degree of depth, much more detail”. According with the doctor. Giovanni Guido Cerri, it was very important to receive the Padi certificate: “Accreditation is one of the basic principles of Sírio-Libanês. The establishment wants to undergo evaluation and wants patients to have confidence that the hospital has external, independent operations that can demonstrate its quality of operation and safety in care”. The former president of CBR stated that Radiology has operated as a quality area since the hospital was created: “There has always been a commitment to invest in quality of care, in people and also in equipment. For us, placing Radiology within the accreditation scenario is also an important step. It also made a lot of sense for this to happen in view of the CBR initiative, since we have always had a strong bond with the entity and also with the Brazilian Medical Association. We immediately wanted to submit ourselves to the evaluation and we were very happy with this recognition given to our service”. In turn, Dr. Paulo Chapchap praised the work of the Radiology team and all employees from the hospital's most different professions, who "offer a very high level of service". According to him, the certification was another step of recognition for a service that is very well performed every day, not just focused on accreditation. “Hospital Sírio-Libanês has this continuous search for quality.” “The evaluation needs to be demanding and the tradition of the Brazilian College of Radiology gives us this guarantee that there was no indulgence or facilitation. On the contrary, the requirement for the level of professionals that make up the College guarantees us that we really are in a standard that deserves a quality certification”, added the general director of the establishment. According to Dr. Chapchap, every external evaluation process causes a certain tension: “This is not bad, as it increases the level of responsibility that people have with their work”. He said that, after the apprehension with the visit of the evaluators, there was relief and contentment on the part of the team with the recognition of the high quality. The general director of Sírio-Libanês took the opportunity to highlight the institutions' partnership in the search for the creation of quality models for Brazilian society: “The hospital will contribute whenever it can. This will also be essential for the CBR to evaluate other establishments and, thus, ensure that the quality reference is implanted in different Radiology services”. Learn more about Padi at: www.padi.org.br.