This Thursday (5th) takes place a panel on quality and accreditation coordinated by Padi at the Congress of Hospital Administration promoted by the FBAH at the Medical Fair

The only sector-specific accreditation in the country, Padi – Accreditation Program in Diagnostic Imaging, from CBR, will head the Quality and Accreditation block at the 41st Congress of Hospital Administration and Health Management, promoted by FBAH – Brazilian Federation of Hospital Administrators , at Medical Fair Brasil 2022, at Expo Center Norte, in … Continue lendo

CBR electoral process begins this month

Plates interested in running for the direction of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (CBR) will be able to register from May 17th to 24th.

CBR in the Media!

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) started press relations work with the main communication vehicles in the country to disseminate relevant information about health and emphasize the importance of the radiologist in the detection, diagnosis and prevention of diseases. See CBR highlights in the media: 11/09/2019 – … Continue lendo