Second class of the CBR-FIA MBA in Diagnostic Medicine Management carries out face-to-face activities at the CBR headquarters

Students from the second class of the MBA in Diagnostic Medicine Management at CBR-FIA completed the course with two days of in-person activities. On December 6th and 7th, the following classes were held: 'Connected Radiology 5.0 from the perspective of AI and Digital SUS', 'Executive Project Workshop (TCC)', 'Executive Project Pitch' and the closing … Continue lendo

Registration open for the MBA Management in Diagnostic Medicine

Classes will start in April, at the CBR Continuing Medical Education Center (CEMC CBR) Launched in September last year, during the celebrations of CBR's 70th anniversary, the MBA Management in Diagnostic Medicine, in partnership with FIA (Fundação Administration Institute), an opportunity for professionals seeking to update and develop … Continue lendo