Sírio-Libanês is the first hospital to receive PADI certification

Hospital Sírio-Libanês received, on June 6, at its Teaching and Research Institute in the city of São Paulo (SP), the certificate from the Accreditation Program in Diagnostic Imaging (PADI) from the Brazilian College of Radiology (CBR) , being the first hospital service and the third establishment in the country to obtain such accreditation. Were … Continue lendo

Specialist in distance diagnosis indicates CBR Management Course

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) began offering the Clinic Management Course in May, the main objective of which is to guide radiologists on how to better manage and administer their private clinics. Among the topics addressed in the editions of the course, the following can be highlighted: Commercial relationship with operators, Ensuring sustainability … Continue lendo

Quality of health service providers can now be consulted

The National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS) released the results of the Qualification Program for Health Service Providers (Qualiss). With this, beneficiaries of health plans and other interested parties can consult, on the regulator's website, the hospitals, clinics, laboratories and health professionals that meet important criteria related to the quality of care. Through … Continue lendo

Visit Padi's stand at the Hospitalar Fair next week

Through its Diagnostic Imaging Accreditation Program (PADI), the Brazilian College of Radiology (CBR) will be represented at the 24th International Event of Solutions, Products, Services, Technology, Innovations, and Equipment for the Health Chain, better known as Hospital Fair, which received around 90,000 people in 2016. The event will be held … Continue lendo