2018-02-16 14:57:17 - 8

Last days to enroll in the Radiology Life Assistance Course

Considered an immersion activity, the AVR course is carried out in just one day, lasting eight hours. Its first edition in 2018 will take place on February 24th, at the CBR headquarters (Av. Paulista, 37 – 7th floor – Bela Vista), in São Paulo. The course offers theoretical and practical classes, with training on accessing the airways (mask and tube ventilation, orotracheal intubation and cricothyroidostomy), cardiovascular resuscitation (external cardiac massage, electrical cardioversion and use of drugs during cardiac arrest) and guidance on situations where there is imminent risk of life (venous access and manipulation of the polytraumatized patient). Seats are limited and CBR members have a discount on registration (R$ 1150). Click here and sign up!