2022-06-14 11:16:00 - 16

Vacancies open for Update Course in Ultrasound of the Musculoskeletal System at CBR22

On September 2 and 3, 2022, the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) presents the 5th edition of the Intensive Update Course on Ultrasound of the Musculoskeletal System.

Classes will be held in person, under the coordination of doctors Everaldo Gregio Junior, Felipe Carneiro and Ronaldo Magalhães Lins, during the 51st Brazilian Congress of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis (CBR22), which will be held in Florianópolis (SC), in the South Center.

The schedule of the Intensive Update Course in Ultrasound of the Musculoskeletal System will bring the most current in the area, with a dynamic that includes a didactic schedule and continuous and complementary content between classes of all joints.

In total, there will be 31 classes, taught during four consecutive periods. The course will have 19 theoretical classes interspersed / merged with 12 practical classes, in the format of live tutorials on the maneuvers and routines of the exams in normal models, with space for questions at the end of each demonstration.

Classes will be taught by the following professors: Claudia Fontan (PE), Deivis Brito (RR), Everaldo Gregio Jr (SP), Felipe Carneiro (SP), Francisco Abaeté Das Chagas Neto (CE), Leonor Garbin Savarese Hernandes (SP), Monres José Gomes (GO), Paulo Moraes Agnollitto (SP), Ronaldo Magalhães Lins (MG) and Roberto Mogami (RJ).

Enrolled students will receive support material in the form of a booklet with the content of the theoretical classes.

Spaces are limited.