2018-07-04 10:20:33 - 8

XIII National Meeting of Medical Entities discusses medical training, labor market and health care in Brazil

Held in Brasília on June 26th and 27th, the event had the joint participation of the Brazilian Medical Association (AMB), the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM), the National Federation of Physicians (Fenam) and the Brazilian Medical Federation (FMB) . More than 400 physicians, representatives of regional medical councils, unions and medical associations, specialty societies and other leaders gathered to discuss various matters of interest to the medical profession. With regard to the topic “Medical Training”, undergraduate, graduate and assessment exams for professional practice were addressed. As for “Doctors' Labor Market”, the debates focused on the provision of work in the SUS, how “More Doctors” impacts the labor market, the Supplementary Health System and the career of a State physician. Finally, on “Medical Health Care in Brazil” the management models of health systems, financing, ANS and Medical Care were addressed. After analyzing and discussing the topics, the participants gathered the main conclusions of the Meeting in a single document, which will be forwarded to the authorities and candidates for elected office in the 2018 General Elections, with the aim of contributing to the formulation of defense initiatives. of health and medicine throughout the national territory.