CBR guarantees recognition of the prerogatives of the Title of Specialist in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging in the EBSERH Competition

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (CBR) celebrated an important victory for the specialty with the amendment of the announcement for Public Competition No. 01/2024 of the Brazilian Hospital Services Company (EBSERH) in the medical field. The previous announcements considered only certificates in the area of activity, excluding specialist titles in the areas … Continue lendo

Renovation of the gallery of presidents of CBR: Ceremony brings together the board and honors the last two administrations of the College

On December 8, 2022, the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) held the management termination ceremony. The ceremony consists of recognizing the president of the current biennium, for the services rendered to Radiology during the last biennium. A painting is made and displayed in the gallery of former presidents, … Continue lendo

Annuity 2023: Strengthen our specialty!

Garanta todos os benefícios que o CBR oferece aos associados A Campanha da anuidade 2023 começa hoje (01/12/2022) e garante uma série de vantagens para todos os associados. O Colégio Brasileiro de Radiologia e Diagnóstico por Imagem (CBR) além de representar todos os médicos radiologistas do Brasil, oferece por meio de suas ações, benefícios e … Continue lendo