Professional Defense to strengthen the work of the radiologist
CBR's Department of Professional Defense represents the specialist and expertise in Legislative, Judicial and Executive matters.
CBR's Department of Professional Defense represents the specialist and expertise in Legislative, Judicial and Executive matters.
To make ECR 2022 even more memorable, CBR created the Meeting Point section, with tips for fellow radiologists to enjoy in Vienna.
To make ECR 2022 even more memorable, CBR created the Meeting Point section, with tips for fellow radiologists to enjoy in Vienna.
To make ECR 2022 even more memorable, CBR created the Meeting Point section, with tips for fellow radiologists to enjoy in Vienna.
Lack of contrast media was the subject of a report by “Jornal da Record” with an interview by CBR's scientific director, Luciana Costa.
The time is coming for another European Congress of Radiology (ECR), which will take place from July 13th to 17th, in Vienna, Austria.
The president, Valdair Muglia, and directors of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnostics (CBR) met online to discuss “Strategies to manage the shortage of contrast media in Radiology”.
Lack of iodinated contrast media in Radiology in Brazil was the subject of the interview given by CBR's scientific director, Luciana Costa.
The current shortage of contrast media in Radiology in the face of the international scenario will be the subject of a webinar promoted by CBR.
To make ECR 2022 even more memorable, CBR created the Meeting Point section, with tips for fellow radiologists to enjoy in Vienna.