Legal victory of CBR in lawsuit filed against CONTER

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Imaging Diagnostics obtained, in a lawsuit filed against the National Council of Radiology Technicians, a favorable decision that determined the suspension of the effects of CONTER Resolution No. 10/2021. Said decision, issued under Proceeding No. 1052546-97.2021.4.01.3400, pending before the 13th Federal Civil Court of the SJDF, understood … Continue lendo

CBR Clarification Note on US and COFFITO

The Brazilian College of Radiology (CBR) would like to clarify and elucidate the true nature of information released on social media, in a distorted way, about the lawsuit filed by the Federal Council of Medicine against the Federal Council of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy. CFM recently filed a lawsuit against COFFITO, due to the illegal wording … Continue lendo

Liability of public servant doctor

In the judgment of Extraordinary Appeal No. 1,027,633, the Federal Supreme Court expressed an important understanding of the civil liability of physicians who act as public agents. Indeed, the Supreme Court took the position that the “action for damages caused by a public agent must be filed against the State or the person … Continue lendo

Cade's decisions against medical entities

On March 1st, the portal ConJur – Consultório Jurídico ( published a report stating that entities involved in a scheme to price medical appointments in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul had been convicted of cartel by the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (Cade). The exchange of information between … Continue lendo

Carry or carry?

There are rejections to the use of porting, which is opportune to know. Portar is a Gallicism in the sense of carrying, bringing with you (L. Victoria, Dictionary of Difficulties, Errors and Definitions of Portuguese, 1956). Instead of “He carried his documents in his pocket”, it would be more accurate to say: He brought his documents in his pocket. The verb to carry, in the sense of … Continue lendo