Open season for submission of scientific papers to CBR20

The season for submitting scientific papers to CBR20 is open The season for submitting scientific papers in the “Electronic Panels” modality at CBR20 is open and the deadline for submitting papers ends on the 7th of August. Electronic panels are presentations of scientific papers through a series of digital screens … Continue lendo

CBR20 will be fully digital

Official announcement: CBR20 will be fully digital We talk a lot about the future. It appears in our most intimate reflections, sometimes over coffee with friends or planning with family. But the truth is that we don't know much about it and, suddenly, the future is at our doorstep. When you imagined... Continue lendo

Official announcement: CBR20 will be fully digital

We talk a lot about the future. It appears in our most intimate reflections, sometimes over coffee with friends or planning with family. But the truth is that we don't know much about it and, suddenly, the future is at our doorstep. When did you imagine living what we are living now? … Continue lendo

CBR Photo Contest will receive submissions until September 20

There is still time to participate in the CBR Photo Contest, which will take place during the Brazilian Congress of Radiology (CBR18). The registration deadline has been extended until September 20th and those interested must fill out the registration form available on the congress website ( The theme this year will be “Moments worthy of … Continue lendo