Dynamics of Tables of Medical Procedures in Supplementary Health in Brazil

In the supplementary health market in Brazil, there are mainly three tables of medical procedures with different applications and uses. These tables dictate the business dynamics in Supplementary Health in Brazil. It is essential to understand these tables, what their applications are and how they impact the management of your clinic and the negotiation with … Continue lendo

Legal victory of CBR in lawsuit filed against CONTER

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Imaging Diagnostics obtained, in a lawsuit filed against the National Council of Radiology Technicians, a favorable decision that determined the suspension of the effects of CONTER Resolution No. 10/2021. Said decision, issued under Proceeding No. 1052546-97.2021.4.01.3400, pending before the 13th Federal Civil Court of the SJDF, understood … Continue lendo

CBR Clarification Note on US and COFFITO

The Brazilian College of Radiology (CBR) would like to clarify and elucidate the true nature of information released on social media, in a distorted way, about the lawsuit filed by the Federal Council of Medicine against the Federal Council of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy. CFM recently filed a lawsuit against COFFITO, due to the illegal wording … Continue lendo

Official position of the CBR in defense of Ultrasound

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR), a national entity that officially represents the Specialty of Radiology in Brazil, by bringing together physicians specializing in Radiology and Image Diagnosis and those who use Ultrasound as their area of expertise, fulfilling their commitments and statutory obligations, makes public, before our associates, … Continue lendo

New ANS Resolution conforms to Law 9.656/98 in compliance with court decision

Since 2015, a lawsuit promoted by the NATIONAL FEDERATION OF HEALTH SERVICES ESTABLISHMENTS (FENAESS) and UNION OF HOSPITALS, CLINICS, HEALTH CARE HOMES AND RESEARCH LABORATORIES AND CLINICAL ANALYSIS OF THE STATE OF PIAUÍ has been running in the Federal Court of the Federal District against the NATIONAL AGENCY OF SUPPLEMENTARY HEALTH (ANS) – process n. 0074233-60.2015.4.01.3400, 2nd COURT, … Continue lendo