Death Note

It was with great sadness that the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) received the news of the death of Dr. Edison de Barros e Silva, on Saturday (12/05) due to complications from COVID-19 Dr. Edison was president of SRPE from 1999 to 2001, he was a preceptor physician at the Imaginology Service of the … Continue lendo

In an official letter, ANS responds to CBR's request to update the website in the search field on coverage of the US procedure - Endometriosis Research

National Supplementary Health Agency recognizes immediate and mandatory coverage by the List of Procedures and Health Events of the new procedure, US – Endometriosis Research (40901858). Click here to read the letter in full. The Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR), active in the professional defense of radiologists and committed … Continue lendo

CBR and SBP launch campaign on conscious imaging in children and adolescents

Taking care of your health with care and seriousness is a great act of self-love and should be encouraged from childhood. Recently, the Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnosis (CBR) and the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics (SBP) jointly launched the “Justify” campaign, which raises awareness of pediatricians and radiologists about the importance of requesting … Continue lendo

death note

It is with great regret that the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) received the news of the death of radiologist Dr. José de Oliveira Domingues, aged 90, victim of Covid-19, last Monday, the 2/11/2020. doctor José was associated with the CBR and the Society of Radiology of Rio de Janeiro, … Continue lendo

Death Note

It is with great regret that the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) received the news of the death of radiologist Dr. Carlos Goedert, victim of Covid-19. doctor Carlos was a member of the CBR and worked as a radiologist at Cetac (PR). The CBR, on behalf of Brazilian Radiology, expresses solidarity and its … Continue lendo

Meet the board elected for the 2021-2022 biennium

In an AGO held this Saturday, 10, during the 49th edition of the Brazilian Congress of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (CBR20), held in digital 100% format, the new CBR board of directors for the 2021-2022 biennium was elected by acclamation. The current President of the College, Dr. Alair Sarmet Santos, congratulated the elected board and, along with the … Continue lendo

Can women safely defer screening for COVID-19?

Several recommendations on the management of breast cancer screening and diagnosis during the COVID-19 pandemic have been proposed by several medical societies and institutions around the world. The goal has always been to balance the benefits of diagnosing a disease that can lead to death if not properly diagnosed and treated, with … Continue lendo

Provisional Measure provides for the electronic signature of documents issued by health professionals

Provisional Measure (“MP”) No. 983/2020 has been in force since 06/17/2020, which deals with the use and validity of electronic signatures in communications and official acts, including documents signed by health professionals, such as such as prescriptions, exam requests, reports and medical certificates, among others, related to the professional's area of expertise. The MP … Continue lendo