CBR in the Media!

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) started press relations work with the main communication vehicles in the country to disseminate relevant information about health and emphasize the importance of the radiologist in the detection, diagnosis and prevention of diseases. See CBR highlights in the media: 11/09/2019 – … Continue lendo

CBR grants an interview about Chernobyl to the SAÚDE magazine portal

Due to the success of the series Chernobyl, produced by HBO, the subject gained strength in the media and the CBR, as the main source of information for journalists when the subject involves Radiology, was sought by the SAÚDE magazine portal to talk about the subject. The College's Director of Communications, Dr. Hilton Muniz Leão Filho, and … Continue lendo

Census of Radiology: CBR launches “Profile of the specialist in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging in Brazil”

Another important initiative of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR), the book “The profile of the specialist in Radiology and Image Diagnosis in Brazil” was developed in partnership with the Department of Preventive Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (FMUSP). Click here to download. The purpose of this… Continue lendo

CBR Board sworn in for the 2019-2020 biennium

The inauguration ceremony of the elected board, chaired by Prof. Dr. Alair Sarmet Santos, took place on Thursday night (17), at the College's headquarters, in São Paulo, with the presence of associates, members of the previous board and former presidents of the CBR, in addition to guests from Societies and Organisms in Health . The ceremony opened with the … Continue lendo

CBR Photo Contest is open until September 4th. Participate!

New from the 2017 Brazilian Congress of Radiology, the CBR Photo Contest will take place again this year during CBR18. This time the theme will be “Moments worthy of a click!” and the expectation is that the participants record in an image the feeling of a remarkable, special moment, which deserves to be eternalized in a … Continue lendo

The future of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging

In these times when technology advances by leaps and bounds, the question of replacing medical work with artificial intelligence arises. Is this our biggest threat or do we need to discuss several other issues much closer beforehand? Teleradiology, whose standardization was carried out by the CFM through Resolution 1890/2009 and … Continue lendo