The importance of understanding the structure of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging exams

The best-known tables used as a reference in the Brazilian market in the supplementary health segment are: the Brazilian Hierarchical Classification of Medical Procedures (CBHPM), Unified Supplementary Health Terminology (TUSS) and Rol of the National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS) to determine coverage mandatory minimum of procedures. In none of them are there exams that overlap, or … Continue lendo

Result of the scientific work comes out on the 10th

On July 10, the result of the abstracts of scientific papers approved at the XLVI Brazilian Congress of Radiology (CBR 17) will be announced. It will be made available on the website: It is worth remembering that the authors of approved papers must send them in full, in presentation format (ppt), by August 14, 2017. More information … Continue lendo

SC: Election for the 2017-2020 board takes place in August

The Santa Catarina Society of Radiology (SCR) informs that the election for the 2017-2020 triennium board will be held on August 28, 2017, with the transfer of mandate and the inauguration of the newly elected board scheduled for September 19, 2017. Interested in running for the positions of the new board … Continue lendo

Join CBR's Workplace: the tool to share knowledge and network

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) has a new virtual platform for the integration of physicians who work with Image Diagnosis. This is Workplace, a tool developed by Facebook with restricted access to guests. The invitation was sent by e-mail on June 6th only to members of the College. After the … Continue lendo

Check out the June issue of the CBR Bulletin

The online version of the May CBR Bulletin is now available. The publication can be read through the CBR Digital Library application, which can be downloaded from the App Store ( and on Google Play ( There is also an option to read it through the CBR website:

Workplace Usage Policy – CBR

The CBR “Workplace” is the digital relationship and communication platform of the Brazilian College of Radiology, intended for the sharing of topics and discussions in the radiology area by members. For its proper use, the CBR makes the following recommendations: – Identification of patients is not allowed. Radiological images shared on the network must be anonymized for … Continue lendo

CBR launches Digital Library app

Always attentive to innovations and also aware that the virtual world is increasingly present in everyone's lives, the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) launches its application this month. The app, named CBR Digital Library, continues the entity's digitization process. As highlights inserted in the … Continue lendo

Check out the May issue of the CBR Newsletter

The online version of the May CBR Bulletin is now available. The publication can be read through the recently launched CBR Digital Library app, which can be downloaded from the App Store ( 8) and on Google Play ( There is also an option to read it through the CBR website:

Breast radiology specialists enrich CBR 17

Between October 12th and 14th, the CBR 17 – Brazilian Congress of Radiology will be held, an annual event organized by the Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (CBR). Again, it will be in Curitiba (PR), at the Expo Unimed Convention Center. Entries will open soon. The content of the event will feature several … Continue lendo