Diagnosis in Endocrinology and Metabology is the theme of a symposium in São Paulo. Check the schedule!

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) in partnership with the Brazilian Society of Clinical Pathology/Laboratory Medicine (SBPC/ML) and the Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism (SBEM), invite you to the Symposium – Diagnosis in Endocrinology and Metabologia, which will take place on February 23, at the Hotel Intercontinental São Paulo (Alameda Santos, 1123, … Continue lendo

ABCDI-CBR and FDC promote a course focused on training and updating for industry leaders. Secure your registration!

Enrollments are now open for the first module of the course “Radiology, in the Transition of Health Systems in Brazil and in the World”, promoted by the Brazilian Association of Diagnostic Imaging Clinics (ABCDI) and by the Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnostics por Imagem (CBR) in partnership with Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC), considered … Continue lendo

Last days to enroll in the Radiology Life Assistance Course

Considered an immersion activity, the AVR course is carried out in just one day, lasting eight hours. Its first edition in 2018 will take place on February 24th, at the CBR headquarters (Av. Paulista, 37 – 7th floor – Bela Vista), in São Paulo. The course offers theoretical-practical classes, with training for the … Continue lendo

Update Course will be held on March 23 and 24 in all regions of the country

Held simultaneously throughout Brazil, the Update Course is an initiative of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) and its state societies and is considered an important itinerant congress. This year the event will take place on March 23 and 24 and the topics covered in the classes will be Neuroradiology, Internal Medicine, Thorax, … Continue lendo

São Paulo hosts the first Padi Internal Auditor Course in 2018

The activity, which attracts professionals from all over Brazil, took place for the first time this year at the CBR headquarters, in São Paulo, between February 1st and 3rd, and had more than 30 participants. With the objective of improving and being able to implement the Padi standard, Gustavo Pedreira de Freitas, manager of the clinic … Continue lendo

ABCDI signs partnership focused on digital solutions for supply management

Continuing the search for solutions and tools that benefit its members, the Brazilian Association of Diagnostic Imaging Clinics (ABCDI) signed a new partnership, now with Bionexo, a technology company that offers digital solutions for purchases, sales and supply management In the health area. One of its differentials is the infrastructure in … Continue lendo

Period to request readjustment with health operators ends in March

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) alerts clinics to an important issue, especially at the beginning of the year. This is a right of clinics that must be respected: the annual readjustment with health operators within a non-extendable period of 90 days, counted from the beginning of each calendar year as determined by … Continue lendo

The medical record in Diagnostic Imaging services

Initially, it is necessary to establish a fundamental premise in relation to the object of this article: the exams (films and reports) are an integral part of the patient's medical record, under the terms of CFM Resolution nº 1638/02 and CFM Opinion nº 10/09. It is never too much to emphasize that the custody of the medical record, in turn, is regulated by … Continue lendo

Death Note

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Dr. Armando Rocha Amoêdo, which took place on January 29, 2018, in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The Doctor. Amoêdo was one of the most important pediatric radiologists in Brazil, being responsible for the dissemination of this subspecialty in our country, participating in the training of numerous radiologists and … Continue lendo