CBR participates in a public hearing at the Chamber of Deputies

The CBR participated, last Tuesday (22), in a public hearing of the Special Committee on Technological Innovation in Health of the Chamber of Deputies, in Brasília (DF). The hearing was requested by federal deputy Juscelino Filho (DEM-MA). In addition to the College, industry representatives (Armando Correa Lopes Junior, from Siemens), deputies and the general public participated. That commission… Continue lendo

Call notice - Ordinary General Meeting

Members of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis (CBR), CNPJ/MF nº 62.839.691/0001-79, are invited to gather at the headquarters of the XLVI Brazilian Congress of Radiology – CBR 17, which will take place in the city from Curitiba (PR), at the Expo Unimed convention center, located at Rua Prof. Pedro Viriato Parigot de Souza, 5,300 – … Continue lendo

CBHPM National Forum has important conclusions for the medical field

On August 4th, the VII National Forum on the Brazilian Hierarchical Classification of Medical Procedures (CBHPM) was held at the headquarters of the Medical Association of Minas Gerais (AMMG), in Belo Horizonte (MG). Medical professionals from various regions of Brazil and representatives of medical entities, in addition to members of important sectors of supplementary health, … Continue lendo

Discover the new ANS QUALISS Program search engine

QUALISS aims to encourage the qualification of all health service providers (hospitals, clinics, laboratories and health professionals) in supplementary health and consists of disclosing previously defined qualification attributes in a transparent manner and assessing the qualification of service providers . In this way, QUALISS increases the availability of information … Continue lendo

Unilateral disqualification by health care companies

Health care companies often disqualify professionals who provide services to them without any justification. To this end, they use a generic provision present in all contracts of this nature, which allows the termination of the agreement without just cause. The issue has already been brought to the attention of the Judiciary by harmed professionals, who argue … Continue lendo

CBR supports mobilization of entities against tax increases

On the last 28th of July, the Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (CBR) was again present at a discussion held between entities mobilized against tax increases, held at the headquarters of the Federation of Hospitals, Clinics and Laboratories of the State of São Paulo Paulo (FEHOESP), in the capital of São Paulo.

Death Notice – Dr. Paulo Bezerra

Passed away last week, aged 84, victim of lung cancer, Dr. Paulo Frassinete Bezerra or Paulo Balá, as he was usually called. Born in the hinterlands of Rio Grande do Norte, in the small town of Acari, he was the first radiologist to graduate in his state and one of the founding partners of the Institute of Radiology … Continue lendo

Workplace surpasses 3,000 users; know some experiences

There are already more than 3 thousand users. Workplace, a platform to share knowledge and make contacts launched in June by the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) is a great success. The number of interesting cases frequently posted, the discussions generated by them and the various subjects relevant to the area, such as … Continue lendo