Exciting tributes mark the opening ceremony of CBR19

The ceremony officially marked the beginning of the event and was conducted by Dr. Alair Sarmet Santos. At the opening table with him were Boris Brkljačić, President of the European Society of Radiology (ESR), Dr. Valdair Muglia, Scientific Director of CBR, Dr. Cibele Alves de Carvalho, director of professional defense at CBR, Dr. Antonio Carvalho Lira, … Continue lendo

Creation of the Brazilian Group of Thoracic Radiology (GBRT)

The rapid technological development observed in the last three decades has led to the emergence of highly sophisticated diagnostic imaging equipment, capable of producing images that allow a close morphological correlation with the macroscopy of anatomopathological studies. An example of this evolution is the high-resolution computed tomography technique, combined with volumetric acquisitions through the … Continue lendo

CBR studio on RQE

One of CBR's main fronts, Professional Defense – RQE, was the theme of Estúdio CBR on October 17th. The guest of this edition, Dr. Cibele Carvalho, director of Professional Defense at the College, began her participation in the program by explaining the important points of the specialty and the relevance of Professional Defense for … Continue lendo

National Forum for Professional Defense of the CBR brings together institutions involved in the Medical Act of the Radiologist Physician at the Federal Council of Medicine in September

Held on September 20th and broadcast live by the group Lugar no CBR at Workplace, the CBR National Forum for Professional Defense brought together several bodies and institutions to discuss important and current topics for Radiologists and Diagnostic Imaging physicians. Under the coordination of Dr. Cibele Alves de Carvalho, director of … Continue lendo

In partnership with the French Society of Radiology (SFR), CBR offers the Jacques Sauvegrain Scholarship

As a result of the partnership between the institutions, the Jacques Sauvegrain Scholarship is offered by the CBR with the aim of providing one resident/research student per year to participate in the French Day of Radiology in the year following the last Annual Assessment of Residents/Researchers carried out by the School. doctor Lucas de Pádua Gomes de Farias, on the occasion … Continue lendo

Call Notice Ordinary General Meeting

The Associates of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis (CBR), CNPJ/MF nº 62.839.691/0001-79, are invited to meet at the headquarters of the 48th Brazilian Congress of Radiology – CBR19, which will take place in the city of Fortaleza (CE), at the Ceará Events Center, located at Av. Washington Soares, 999 – Edson Queiroz, … Continue lendo

1st National Professional Defense Forum in September

Click here to register and here to download the full schedule. One of CBR's main areas of action, the professional defense of radiologists and diagnostic imaging, will be even more in focus next month, when an unprecedented event will be held that will make a great contribution to all participants. Hi Forum … Continue lendo