Digital transformation at SRPE

The pandemic brought challenges linked to many transformations. The Radiology Society of Pernambuco (SRPE) did not remain inert. The desire to continue disseminating and multiplying Radiology knowledge, limited by the necessary social isolation measures, drove SRPE's digital transformation. The necessary digital shift was then initiated by the board, chaired by Dr. Paul … Continue lendo

Meet SCR's new board of directors for the 2020/2023 term

The new board of directors of the Santa Catarina Society of Radiology (SCR) for the 2020/2023 term was elected this September and will have Dr. Gustavo Pelandré as President, Dr. Fábio Vargas as Vice President, Dr. Juliano Pereima as 1st secretary, Dr. Luciane Stupp as 2nd secretary, Dr. Ângelo Carrão as 1st treasurer, Dr. Isabella W. of … Continue lendo

SCR opens registration for the election of its board of directors

The Santa Catarina Society of Radiology (SCR) has opened registration for the plates for those interested in running for election to its board. In order to register for the slate, members must necessarily be members of CBR and SCR. The list of positions that make up the board of SCR are: Position President Vice President 1st Secretary 2nd Secretary … Continue lendo

JPR 2020 Virtual started on May 27th and will have two phases

In all, 26 Lives and seven Plenary Sessions will be presented on the JPR website in two phases: from May 27th to June 24th, and from July 27th to August 12th. In addition to these presentations, around 300 new lessons will be recorded for JPR 2020 Virtual and made available to the active member of … Continue lendo

Official statement from SPR regarding the cancellation of JPR 2020

São Paulo, March 19, 2020 In recent weeks, the São Paulo Society of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (SPR) has closely monitored, with all its professionalism and seriousness, the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil and in the world. As a medical entity, the SPR has always been concerned about the impact of the pandemic on health … Continue lendo

SPR Official Communiqué on COVID-19 and JPR 2020

São Paulo, March 6, 2020. The São Paulo Society of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (SPR) informs all its members – including JPR coordinators, professors and congressmen, as well as all its institutional partners, suppliers, exhibitors, potential visitors to the Journey and others interested in the event, which is following … Continue lendo