Mayra Veloso, director of CBR, participates, this Friday afternoon (22), in a presentation by the Ministry of Health on the distribution process of medicines and other inputs. At the event, Ministry representatives talk about the note with guidelines for rationalizing the use of iodinated contrast issued on the 13th, due to the current scarcity of the raw material in the market all over the world.
“We have a global shortage of iodinated contrasts, caused by the interruption in the production and distribution chains, mainly due to the measures of lockdown in China, which has greatly impacted the entire world distribution", declared the Secretary of Specialized Health Care of the Ministry of Health, Maíra Batista Botelho.
She highlighted and thanked the participation of CBR and other societies in preparing the technical note with guidelines for rationalizing the use of the input.
Maíra Botelho also pointed out that the recommendation “is not rationing, it is the rationalization of use”. "What does that mean? It means, for example, in a technical way, prioritizing procedures in patients at higher risk, in urgent and emergency clinical conditions, avoiding waste that may occur and also considering the use of other diagnostic methods in place of procedures”, he clarified. . According to the secretary of the Ministry of Health, the expectation is that contrast stocks in the country will be recomposed by the end of September.
Watch the presentation by the Ministry of Health on the contrast and medication distribution process below:
"Search for solutions while preserving quality"
In recent months, the CBR has expressed concern and discussed alternatives to deal with the shortage of contrast. In June, a webinar was held that included a lecture to present alternatives. “We cannot give up quality, to look for solutions while preserving quality”, highlighted the President of the College, Valdair Muglia, on the occasion. The webinar can be viewed in full at official channel of CBR on Youtube.
For the scientific director of CBR, Luciana Costa, “it is an opportunity to review the literature, review what is possible to be done in the best way for the patient in the sense that the literature already allows us to have a contrast reduction, obviously without having a diagnostic reduction”. She also gave a interview with Record TV in a report about the problem.
CBR vice-president, Cibele Carvalho, was in the same tone: “More and more, when we go through adversity, it is time to learn. It is an opportunity to review contrast doses and radiation doses for our patients”.