CBR obtains legal victory in lawsuit filed against CONTER

(Suspension of the effects of CONTER Resolution No. 10/2021) The Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis - CBR, filed a lawsuit against the NATIONAL COUNCIL OF RADIOLOGY TECHNICIANS - CONTER, so that the Defendant refrained from providing a Technical Responsibility Note to radiology technologists to assume the responsible position in services … Continue lendo

Professional defense of the radiologist on the agenda at CBR22

Professional defense will also be included in the extensive program of the 51st Brazilian Congress of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (CBR22). One of the main events in radiology, CBR22 will be held from September 1st to 3rd, in Florianópolis (SC). Registration is now open. The following Professional Defense topics will be addressed at CBR22: – … Continue lendo

Open Letter to the Population

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR), in accordance with its ethical and statutory principles as well as its commitment and responsibility in providing the best service to the population, hereby informs that it has received a complaint about the performance of ultrasound exams by non-medical professionals, therefore unskilled and/or qualified. – Regarding those… Continue lendo

CBR participates in the CBHPM Technical Chamber meeting at the Brazilian Medical Association (AMB)

The CBR, represented by the Director of Professional Defense, Dr. Cibele Carvalho, and by the College's Economic Advisor, Mr. Carlos Moura, participated this Wednesday, May 2, in the CBHPM Technical Chamber meeting at the Brazilian Medical Association (AMB), in which the Ultrasonic Hepatic Elastography procedure was included in the CBHPM, after approval in the “List of … Continue lendo