Moratorium on opening medical schools

The Brazilian Medical Association (AMB) expresses its full support for the moratorium decreed by the Ministry of Education, which prohibits the creation of new medical schools in the country for a period of five years. The measure was one of the claims taken by the AMB to the ministry, in meetings held in October. The aim is to solve… Continue lendo

AMB releases update of shipping table and Operating Cost Unit

The Brazilian Medical Association (AMB) recently released the update of the Operating Cost Unit present in the Brazilian Hierarchical Classification of Medical Procedures (CBHPM), which is an important reference in the Brazilian health market and also recognized by the supplementary health system for creating the Terminology Supplementary Health Unified Health System (TUSS), in addition to being used as … Continue lendo

Opinion on breast and armpit ultrasound

The National Mammography Commission of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR), Brazilian Society of Mastology (SBM) and Brazilian Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics Associations (Febrasgo) advises that breast evaluation by ultrasound should include the breasts and underarms, according to the guidelines of the new BI-RADS® (5th edition, 2013). We recommend to … Continue lendo

CIR online refresher course registration is open

From December 4th, the V Update Course of the Inter-American College of Radiology (CIR) will be held, whose theme will be “Thyroid Imaging Diagnosis: from A to Z”. The activity will be online and will last 15 days, ending on December 20th. Applications can be made up to… Continue lendo

CBR shows strength at ANS COPISS meeting

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) played an important role in the 90th meeting of the Committee for the Standardization of Information on Supplementary Health (COPISS) that took place on October 25, at the headquarters of the National Agency for Supplementary Health (ANS), in Rio de Janeiro (RJ). In three points that would bring immense financial impacts... Continue lendo

ANS updates List of Procedures for 2018

On November 7th, the National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS) released its new list, a new list of procedures that must be covered by health plans as of January 2nd, 2018. In total, 18 procedures were performed. added, among exams, therapies and surgeries. Below is a list of procedures… Continue lendo

Radiology clinics: pregnant employees

Ordinance No. 453, of June 1, 1998, of the Ministry of Health, which deals with the basic guidelines for radiological protection in medical and dental radiodiagnosis, provides for the use of diagnostic x-rays throughout the national territory and provides for other measures, not provides for the compulsory removal of pregnant employees. In that sense, the… Continue lendo

Clinics that do tests below cost value

Determining costs in the Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging segment is a complex task. Often, in the quick calculation, considering only the highest direct costs or the most apparent ones, we have the wrong impression of the production price of our exams. Unfortunately, today, expenses in our segment are, in many cases, equal or even … Continue lendo

Refund of Income Tax for radiological service

As already known by the owners and managers of radiological services, due to the disclosure of information by the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR), it is possible to apply the reduction of the Income Tax rate to 8%, a fact that has an impact significant in the revenue of the legal entity. Indeed, this question… Continue lendo