Examination and report without medical order

A subject that always comes back to the agenda in consultations formulated by the members of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) refers to the performance of exams and the elaboration of reports without a medical request. After all, is it allowed or not to carry out tests and prepare the respective report without a medical request? Such conduct can… Continue lendo

The importance of understanding the structure of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging exams

The best-known tables used as a reference in the Brazilian market in the supplementary health segment are: the Brazilian Hierarchical Classification of Medical Procedures (CBHPM), Unified Supplementary Health Terminology (TUSS) and Rol of the National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS) to determine coverage mandatory minimum of procedures. In none of them are there exams that overlap, or … Continue lendo

Valuation of interventional radiologist remuneration

Professionals in our specialty have been treated unfairly in relation to the receipt of fees by health plans for decades. Due to the fact that our procedures are part of Chapter IV of the Hierarchical Brazilian Classification of Medical Procedures (CBHPM), “Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures”, we were not contemplated with the increase of 100% in the medical fees for patients … Continue lendo

Suggestion of complementary exams in radiological report

We receive, with some frequency, questions from associates in the following sense: can the radiologist suggest, in his report, the performance of complementary exams? The answer is, in fact, affirmative: the conduct of the radiologist who inserts, in his report, a suggestion regarding the need for complementary methods is fully ethical. This is exactly the understanding expressed in the opinion … Continue lendo

Use of WhatsApp between doctors and patients is the subject of a CFM opinion

The Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) released an opinion on the use of WhatsApp between doctors and also professionals and their patients. Document No. 14/2017 is signed by the reporting member Emmanuel Fortes S. Cavalcanti. After a broad approach on the subject, the opinion, in its conclusion, highlights the private character of the exchanged contents: … Continue lendo

FDA claims no proven effects of brain gadolinium deposits

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published a review on May 22 stating that there is no evidence that gadolinium remaining in the body after administration of contrast in MRI scans has negative health effects. However, according to the document, the announcement is unlikely to finalize … Continue lendo

CBR and medical entities are against the regulation of Cofen

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) and other medical entities became aware of the normative resolution of the Federal Nursing Council (Cofen), still to be published, which proposes the performance of obstetric ultrasound by specialist nurses. Already in 2015, the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) had taken a position on the subject, … Continue lendo

Importance of reconciling payment statements and disallowances of the TISS standard

Before the TISS (Supplementary Health Information Exchange) standard, it was very difficult and financially unfeasible to reconcile exam by exam, payment statements and disallowances. Starting with the simple fact that many operators did not provide this type of information or, when they sent it, the information was not complete, thus making conciliation impossible without some … Continue lendo

Presence of companions in exam rooms

A concern previously restricted to the practice of Gynecology and Obstetrics, the presence of a companion during examinations is currently a subject used by Radiology – at least from the perspective of certain specific segments of Diagnostic Imaging. In fact, complaints formalized by patients, related to crimes of a sexual nature supposedly occurred … Continue lendo