Goiás Interior Club takes place in Pirenópolis

Between the 2nd and 4th of June, the Clube do Interior de Goiás will be held at Pousada dos Pirineus, in Pirenópolis (GO), with the themes Neuroradiology and Abdomen. The event is organized by the Goiás Society of Radiology (SGOR). The event will host big names in national Radiology: doctors Antônio José da Rocha and Giuseppe … Continue lendo

CBR and medical entities are against the regulation of Cofen

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) and other medical entities became aware of the normative resolution of the Federal Nursing Council (Cofen), still to be published, which proposes the performance of obstetric ultrasound by specialist nurses. Already in 2015, the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) had taken a position on the subject, … Continue lendo

Quality of health service providers can now be consulted

The National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS) released the results of the Qualification Program for Health Service Providers (Qualiss). With this, beneficiaries of health plans and other interested parties can consult, on the regulator's website, the hospitals, clinics, laboratories and health professionals that meet important criteria related to the quality of care. Through … Continue lendo

Importance of reconciling payment statements and disallowances of the TISS standard

Before the TISS (Supplementary Health Information Exchange) standard, it was very difficult and financially unfeasible to reconcile exam by exam, payment statements and disallowances. Starting with the simple fact that many operators did not provide this type of information or, when they sent it, the information was not complete, thus making conciliation impossible without some … Continue lendo

New board of directors of the Society of Minas Gerais takes office

On May 12, at the Medical Association of Minas Gerais (AMMG), in Belo Horizonte (MG), the new board of the Society of Radiology and Imaging Diagnostics of Minas Gerais (SRMG) was sworn in. Dr. Cibele Alves de Carvalho, who is also director of Professional Defense at the Brazilian College of Radiology and Imaging Diagnostics … Continue lendo

Presence of companions in exam rooms

A concern previously restricted to the practice of Gynecology and Obstetrics, the presence of a companion during examinations is currently a subject used by Radiology – at least from the perspective of certain specific segments of Diagnostic Imaging. In fact, complaints formalized by patients, related to crimes of a sexual nature supposedly occurred … Continue lendo

Visit Padi's stand at the Hospitalar Fair next week

Through its Diagnostic Imaging Accreditation Program (PADI), the Brazilian College of Radiology (CBR) will be represented at the 24th International Event of Solutions, Products, Services, Technology, Innovations, and Equipment for the Health Chain, better known as Hospital Fair, which received around 90,000 people in 2016. The event will be held … Continue lendo

Jornada Pernambucana: tradition and evolution every year

Between the 7th and 10th of June, the XX Pernambucana Day of Radiology and the XXVII Breast Imaging Diagnosis Course will take place. The event organized by the Society of Radiology of Pernambuco will take place at the Golden Tulip Recife Palace Hotel, in Boa Viagem, Recife (PE). On the 7th and 8th of June, there will be … Continue lendo

Society of Minas Gerais closes historic agreement with Unimed-BH

The directorates of the Society of Radiology of Minas Gerais (SRMG), Unimed-BH and the Regional Council of Medicine of Minas Gerais (CRM-MG) signed an agreement that aims to improve the quality of care, in addition to being a new stage in the appreciation of work of cooperative doctors and accredited clinics that work in Diagnostic Imaging. “It was a negotiation… Continue lendo

Death note: Dr. Richard L. Baron

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) deeply regrets the passing of Dr. Richard L. Baron, former president of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), on May 4th. Dr. Baron was a great educator and researcher in the field of radiology, with outstanding work in the imaging evaluation of … Continue lendo