CBR on TV Globo's Welfare

Last Wednesday (11), CBR participated in the Bem-Estar section of the program “Encontro com Fátima Bernardes”, on TV Globo, in the category of consultant for the broadcaster’s production on a dermatology agenda, which addressed the topic of tattoos . The CBR clarification was about: “Can anyone with a tattoo undergo an MRI?” Spokesperson for… Continue lendo

CBR celebrates Radiologist's Day and International Day of Radiology

On November 8th, Radiologist's Day was celebrated, honoring the date on which the physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovered the existence of x-rays, in 1895 The International Day of Radiology (IDOR) is celebrated worldwide by an initiative created by the European Society of Radiology (ESR), together with the Radiological Society … Continue lendo

CBR participates in the Round Table: Challenges of Radiological Protection in Medical Applications during the 71st Annual Meeting of the SBPC

CBR President Dr. Alair Sarmet Santos, was in Campo Grande (MS), on July 22nd, to participate in the round table “Challenges of Radiological Protection in Medical Applications”. The activity was part of the program for the 71st Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC), held at the Federal University of Mato Grosso … Continue lendo

CBR grants an interview about Chernobyl to the SAÚDE magazine portal

Due to the success of the series Chernobyl, produced by HBO, the subject gained strength in the media and the CBR, as the main source of information for journalists when the subject involves Radiology, was sought by the SAÚDE magazine portal to talk about the subject. The College's Director of Communications, Dr. Hilton Muniz Leão Filho, and … Continue lendo

In partnership with CFM, CBR holds a Forum on Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging with a focus on Radiological Protection

The event, held on July 5, at the headquarters of the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) had, at the official opening, the presence of the 2nd vice-president of CFM, Jecé Freitas Brandão; from the coordinator of the Technical Chamber of Diagnostic Imaging at CFM and former president of CBR, Dr. Aldemir Humberto Soares; from the President of the Brazilian College of … Continue lendo

CBR participates in the panel “Challenges for Telemedicine and Telehealth in Brazil” at SBCAS2019, in RJ

The Brazilian Symposium on Computing Applied to Health is one of the main forums for scientific dissemination and a meeting point for researchers in the fields of computing and health. Dr. Alexandra Monteiro, current first secretary at CBR and Southeast director at the Brazilian Association of Telemedicine and Telehealth (ABTMS), presented her experience on the topic and in the debate … Continue lendo

Conquest for Radiology: UERJ has its first Full Professor in Radiology

On May 29, an important event marked the history of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) and of Brazilian Radiology. After her Memorial Public Defense, Dr. Alexandra Monteiro, first secretary of the CBR, was appointed Full Professor of Radiology at UERJ, a traditional teaching institution … Continue lendo