Meeting Point | Vienna Tips for ECR 2022 Visitors: Restaurants and Cafes
To make this grandiose ECR 2022 even more memorable, the CBR created the Meeting Point section, with tips for fellow radiologists to enjoy in Vienna.
To make this grandiose ECR 2022 even more memorable, the CBR created the Meeting Point section, with tips for fellow radiologists to enjoy in Vienna.
The time is coming for another European Congress of Radiology (ECR), which will take place from July 13th to 17th, in Vienna, Austria, again fully in person, after three years. Brazilian radiology will again be represented by directors and associates of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR). To make this… Continue lendo
To make this grandiose ECR 2022 even more memorable, the CBR created the Meeting Point section, with tips for fellow radiologists to enjoy in Vienna.
The Standard for Exchange of Information in Supplementary Health - TISS was established as mandatory for the electronic exchange of health care data of plan beneficiaries.
The CBR will be delighted and proud to publicize the insertion of its members in the world panorama. Share and spread the word about your well-deserved success!
The Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR), concerned about the situation involving the provision of iodinated and gadolinium-based contrast media, notably the former, listened to companies in the sector and provided the following clarifications:
RDC No. 611 – Anvisa for Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging Services.
The Brazilian College of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis (CBR) takes a stand on the official letter issued by SINTTARESP/2022, by which it communicates that since the service team is composed solely of TECHNICIANS and TECHNOLOGISTS IN RADIOLOGY, duly registered with the CRTR/SP, the the company's legal representative designates the protection supervisor among these team members... Continue lendo
The CFM Digital Certificate, free for all physicians and certified by ICP-Brasil, was officially launched this morning, in a meeting with federal counselors and presidents of the Regional Medical Councils (CRMs). “It is a historic moment, a watershed, in which we put into practice something we have been planning since 2019”, … Continue lendo
The extinct Ordinance of the Health Surveillance Secretariat of the Ministry of Health No. 453, of June 1, 1998, based on constitutional provisions, and Law 8080, of October 19, 1990, established the basic guidelines for radiological protection in medical radiodiagnosis and dental and was in effect for about 21 … Continue lendo