CBR 17: Day Two Summary

The second day of the XLVI Brazilian Congress of Radiology (CBR 17), in Curitiba (PR), was full of curiosity, teaching and technology. From 8 am, the exhibition space had a large circulation of people, and the rooms were constantly crowded. Several practical activities, lectures and discussions took place and enriched the repertoire of those present. This is the function... Continue lendo

CBR 17: First day summary

The XLVI Brazilian Congress of Radiology (CBR 17) started at an excellent level at the Expo Unimed Convention Center, in Curitiba (PR). With 17 thematic rooms, where, in addition to the opening ceremony, several lectures, panels and case studies took place within the most varied subspecialties. In some rooms, an environment for carrying out procedures also … Continue lendo

Note on mandatory use of cervical radiological protectors for exams in RJ

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) became aware of Law 7.700/17, which makes the use of cervical radiological protectors mandatory for performing radiological examinations in the State of Rio de Janeiro. The CBR, as a representative institution of Brazilian Radiology, and the Association of Radiology and Image Diagnosis of the State … Continue lendo

Artificial intelligence and the work of the radiologist

The premiere of Estúdio CBR took place last September 21, a program whose objective is to discuss important topics for the radiology community. Live streaming allows colleagues to participate through Workplace. The first topic to be discussed was artificial intelligence: a very current subject that has … Continue lendo

Clinics that do tests below cost value

Determining costs in the Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging segment is a complex task. Often, in the quick calculation, considering only the highest direct costs or the most apparent ones, we have the wrong impression of the production price of our exams. Unfortunately, today, expenses in our segment are, in many cases, equal or even … Continue lendo

Refund of Income Tax for radiological service

As already known by the owners and managers of radiological services, due to the disclosure of information by the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR), it is possible to apply the reduction of the Income Tax rate to 8%, a fact that has an impact significant in the revenue of the legal entity. Indeed, this question… Continue lendo

ANS extends deadline for participation in research on contracting

The National Agency for Supplementary Health (ANS) extended until September 30 the deadline for participation in the second edition of the survey on contracting between operators and service providers. The response to the questionnaires is voluntary and, it should be noted, there will be no disclosure of individual data. The purpose of the research is to obtain a … Continue lendo

CBR Accreditation Program (PADI) completes three years

The Diagnostic Imaging Accreditation Program (PADI) of the Brazilian College of Radiology (CBR) aims to evaluate public and private services, using impartial criteria, in relation to compliance with minimum quality, safety and sustainability requirements. The program covers the entire process of taking an exam, from its … Continue lendo

Padi launches new products

Since June 2017, the Brazilian College of Radiology (CBR) has offered services that wish to join the Imaging Diagnostic Accreditation Program (PADI) the pre-audit modality. This is configured as an independent assessment that provides a diagnosis of your real situation in relation to the requirements of Norma Padi. Interested parties do not need… Continue lendo