Focusing on “Neuroradiology”, ESOR Course 2019 brings together 140 participants in Porto Alegre and Rio de Janeiro

On the 29th and 31st of August, Porto Alegre and Rio de Janeiro hosted, respectively, another edition of the ESOR ASKLEPIOS International Course 2019, another result of the excellent international partnerships of CBR. Approaching themes of Neuroradiology, the course provided participants with, in addition to theoretical knowledge, practical learning, and teachers and students could … Continue lendo

Free Amirsys-branded Elsevier E-Books are available in the member area

Members of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) have at their disposal an important benefit: the complete electronic versions (e-Books) of 19 books by Elsevier with the Amirsys seal. They are some of the main publications that address the various radiological subspecialties and written by great names in Radiology worldwide, such as Dr. Anne … Continue lendo

Participate in the joint guideline of the CBR and the SBH for the elaboration of the document with the national recommendations of Elastography in liver diseases

The Brazilian Society of Hepatology will hold its XXV Brazilian Congress of Hepatology – Hepato 2019, from October 2nd to 4th, at the Hotel Tivoli Mofarrej, located in the city of São Paulo. The College will have an important participation in the event through lectures and discussions on relevant topics. In a part of the program, the “Guidelines … Continue lendo

Stable Union - Part I: Legal Assumptions

With the enactment of the Federal Constitution, the Stable Union began to be recognized as a family entity (art. 226, § 3 of the CF) and this family nucleus not constituted by civil union began to have the same protection and social care by the public power than unions formed by marriage. However, although recognized for… Continue lendo

death note

On behalf of all Brazilian Radiology and with great regret, the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) announces the death of the doctor and friend Prof. Dr. Ronie Léo Piske, of great relevance to Brazilian Radiology. He was one of the precursors of Neuroradiology in Brazil. Founder of the Brazilian Society of Neuroradiology (SBNR) … Continue lendo

Call for an Extraordinary General Meeting - SRMG

CALL NOTICE EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING SOCIETY OF RADIOLOGY AND IMAGING DIAGNOSIS OF MINAS GERAIS – SRMG The President of the Society of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis of Minas Gerais – SRMG, Dr. Cibele Alves de Carvalho, in the exercise of her statutory attributions, in particular the provisions of article 47 and its sole paragraph of … Continue lendo

Filming during exams or procedures. It's allowed?

An increasingly common habit in hospitals and clinics is filming by a relative or a third party of the procedure performed by the patient, who wants to record that fact, especially in those acts related to pregnancy. It is asked whether or not it is allowed to film the exam; whether the performing physician can refuse to participate in it or even … Continue lendo

Ultrasonography is featured in the CBR19 course schedule

Hands On in General Ultrasonography and Ultrasound in Gynecology and Obstetrics, in addition to the Intensive Update Course in Ultrasound of the Musculoskeletal System, still have places available Attendees of the Brazilian Congress of Radiology (CBR19) consider this a traditional event in the specialty, mainly due to its rich program scientific. This year, in addition to classes with renowned teachers … Continue lendo

Brazilian Marathon of Residents reaches its 4th edition

Registration for this traditional event among residents of the country is now open The word “Marathon” is always associated with preparation, resilience, competitiveness, dedication, among many others. It became a sport modality, having its origin from a Greek legend, in which the Athenian soldier Phidipedes, would have run 42km between the battlefield of Marathon … Continue lendo