Filming during exams or procedures. It's allowed?

An increasingly common habit in hospitals and clinics is filming by a relative or a third party of the procedure performed by the patient, who wants to record that fact, especially in those acts related to pregnancy. It is asked whether or not it is allowed to film the exam; whether the performing physician can refuse to participate in it or even … Continue lendo

Ultrasonography is featured in the CBR19 course schedule

Hands On in General Ultrasonography and Ultrasound in Gynecology and Obstetrics, in addition to the Intensive Update Course in Ultrasound of the Musculoskeletal System, still have places available Attendees of the Brazilian Congress of Radiology (CBR19) consider this a traditional event in the specialty, mainly due to its rich program scientific. This year, in addition to classes with renowned teachers … Continue lendo

Brazilian Marathon of Residents reaches its 4th edition

Registration for this traditional event among residents of the country is now open The word “Marathon” is always associated with preparation, resilience, competitiveness, dedication, among many others. It became a sport modality, having its origin from a Greek legend, in which the Athenian soldier Phidipedes, would have run 42km between the battlefield of Marathon … Continue lendo

On video, the president of CBR invites everyone to participate in ESOR 2019. Register by 8/22!

With the theme “Neuroradiology”, this year's edition of the ESOR – ASKLEPIOS International Course, held by the CBR in partnership with the European School of Radiology (ESOR), an educational institution linked to the European Society of Radiology (ESR), will take place in the cities of Porto Alegre, on the 29th of August, and Rio de Janeiro, on the 31st of August. … Continue lendo

CBR participates in the 5th General Assembly of the Mixed Parliamentary Front for Medicine (FPMed)

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis (CBR), with a strong presence in the professional defense of radiologists and diagnostic imaging, participated this Tuesday afternoon (13) in the 5th General Assembly of FPMed, at the headquarters of AMBr – Brasilia, being represented by Dr. Hélio Braga, CBR Northeast vice-president. The Parliamentary Front … Continue lendo