New from the College, Webinar CBR is successful among participants

The first transmission of this new and important educational action by CBR took place on July 2nd. The activity, which is a kind of videoconference, addressed the theme “Management of the solitary pulmonary nodule: expert tips”, under the command of Dr. Isabela Müller and moderation by Dr. Valdair Muglia, scientific director of the College. The CBR Webinar … Continue lendo

Member of the Radiological Protection Commission visits the Portuguese Institute of Oncology in Lisbon Francisco Gentil

Dr. Mônica Bernardo, who is part of the Radiological Protection Committee of the CBR, was, at the end of June, at the Francisco Gentil Portuguese Institute of Oncology in Lisbon (IPO). The objective was to know the service that is recognized for the practice of justification and dose optimization of public oncological radiological exams, being responsible Dr. … Continue lendo

In partnership with CFM, CBR holds a Forum on Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging with a focus on Radiological Protection

The event, held on July 5, at the headquarters of the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) had, at the official opening, the presence of the 2nd vice-president of CFM, Jecé Freitas Brandão; from the coordinator of the Technical Chamber of Diagnostic Imaging at CFM and former president of CBR, Dr. Aldemir Humberto Soares; from the President of the Brazilian College of … Continue lendo

1st International Symposium of Aliança Cavernoma Brasil will take place in August

Aliança Cavernoma Brasil – ACBra, an institution governed by private law, in the form of a non-profit and non-profit civil association, with the purpose of supporting studies, research, development of alternative technologies, production and dissemination of information and technical and scientific knowledge concerning Cerebral Cavernous Malformation (CCM), also known as Cavernoma, Cavernoma … Continue lendo

I Professional Defense Forum in Belo Horizonte

The event will take place on Saturday, July 6, at 8:30 am, at the CRMG Auditorium, located at Rua dos Timbiras, 1200 – 2nd floor – Employees – Belo Horizonte (MG). CBR will broadcast live, through the “Acontece no CBR” Workplace group. Information and registration: Schedule: 8 am to 8:30 am Welcome coffee 8:30 am … Continue lendo

CBR board holds meeting with AMB president

The Doctor. Lincoln Lopes Ferreira, president of the Brazilian Medical Association (AMB) was at the CBR headquarters last Thursday, June 27, in a meeting with the board and committee members. On the occasion, the current scenario of physicians in the field of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging was exposed and the demands of the specialty were discussed. For … Continue lendo

CBR Webinar: College members have one more exclusive benefit

A new and important educational action by the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis, the CBR Webinar has as its main feature the approach to topics of general interest, always by a big name in the chosen specialty. Webinar is a kind of videoconference, in which a company or institution uses an online platform for a … Continue lendo