Pre-launch of the book Visceral and Pediatric Intervention

The Pernambuco Day of Radiology, held on June 14 and 15, was the stage for the pre-launch of the book Visceral and Pediatric Intervention, whose editors are doctors Joaquim Maurício da Motta Leal Filho, Gustavo Henrique Vieira de Andrade, Ricardo Augusto de Paula Pinto and Breno Boueri Affonso. The official launch will take place on … Continue lendo

CBR participates in the panel “Challenges for Telemedicine and Telehealth in Brazil” at SBCAS2019, in RJ

The Brazilian Symposium on Computing Applied to Health is one of the main forums for scientific dissemination and a meeting point for researchers in the fields of computing and health. Dr. Alexandra Monteiro, current first secretary at CBR and Southeast director at the Brazilian Association of Telemedicine and Telehealth (ABTMS), presented her experience on the topic and in the debate … Continue lendo

Conquest for Radiology: UERJ has its first Full Professor in Radiology

On May 29, an important event marked the history of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) and of Brazilian Radiology. After her Memorial Public Defense, Dr. Alexandra Monteiro, first secretary of the CBR, was appointed Full Professor of Radiology at UERJ, a traditional teaching institution … Continue lendo

CFM defends moratorium on medical schools in Brazil

Last Thursday (13), the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) published an open note to Brazilians reiterating its position against the resumption of the opening of new medical schools in the country, as well as the expansion of vacancies in existing courses. With the document, the municipality defends the maintenance of the moratorium, according to Ordinance No. 328/2018, … Continue lendo

Meet the national and international professors who will be at ESOR – ASKLEPIOS International Course 2019, in August

With the theme “Neuroradiology”, this year's edition of the ESOR – ASKLEPIOS International Course, an important and traditional course among radiologists, will take place in the cities of Porto Alegre, on August 29th, and Rio de Janeiro, on August 31st. The course is the result of an important partnership between the CBR and the European School of … Continue lendo

CBR19: Deadline for submission of papers is extended to June 25

The best papers will earn tickets, accommodation and registration for ECR 2020 Another novelty at the Brazilian Congress of Radiology (CBR19), the submission of papers for this edition is accompanied by a series of incentives for sending scientific and educational papers to the event. It will be offered to the first authors of the best scientific and educational works … Continue lendo

SRP: National Scientific Meeting

The Society of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging of Paraná – SRP will hold its monthly Scientific Meeting on June 18, at 7:30 pm, at the Society's headquarters, with online transmission. The meeting is hosted by SRP Scientific Director Dr. Heraldo de Oliveira Mello Neto. The lecture will be followed by a discussion of… Continue lendo