CBR participated in a meeting between CFM Technical Chambers and other medical societies to debate and standardize Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)

Yesterday (May 23) at the headquarters of the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) in Brasília (DF), the meeting that brought together the technical chambers of the following specialties: Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis, Intensive Medicine and Emergency Medicine with the aim of debate the standardization of point of care ultrasound, known as POCUS. The conduct of… Continue lendo

Dr. Cibele Carvalho is present at the inauguration of the new CFM headquarters

Dr. Cibele Carvalho – President of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis (CBR) attended the inauguration of the new headquarters of the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM). The inauguration ceremony took place on September 28th, in Brasília (DF). Stay up to date on CBR's social networks, follow us on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn According to CFM, … Continue lendo

In partnership with CFM, CBR holds a Forum on Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging with a focus on Radiological Protection

The event, held on July 5, at the headquarters of the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) had, at the official opening, the presence of the 2nd vice-president of CFM, Jecé Freitas Brandão; from the coordinator of the Technical Chamber of Diagnostic Imaging at CFM and former president of CBR, Dr. Aldemir Humberto Soares; from the President of the Brazilian College of … Continue lendo

CFM defends moratorium on medical schools in Brazil

Last Thursday (13), the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) published an open note to Brazilians reiterating its position against the resumption of the opening of new medical schools in the country, as well as the expansion of vacancies in existing courses. With the document, the municipality defends the maintenance of the moratorium, according to Ordinance No. 328/2018, … Continue lendo

Whatsapp and similar platforms for case discussions Understanding of CFM

In an important opinion on a current topic and which contains controversial issues, the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) concluded that digital communication platforms, such as WhatsApp, can be used by professionals to discuss medical cases. CFM opinion No. 14/2017, issued by Dr. Emmanuel Fortes S. Cavalcanti, highlighted, however, some points that must be … Continue lendo

CFM revokes Resolution 2227/2018

This Friday (22) the Councilors of the CFM revoked Resolution nº 2.227/2018, which deals with Telemedicine in Brazil. CBR is attentive to the process and reinforces to its associates the importance of following up on updates. Check out the full text of the CFM below: Sensitive to the manifestations of Brazilian doctors and representative entities of the class, the … Continue lendo

CBR supports note from CFM and AMB on statement by the Minister of Health

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) supports the note to society issued by the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) and the Brazilian Medical Association (AMB) on July 13, 2017 (https://amb.org. br/noticias/amb/amb-e-cfm-rebatem-comentarios-pejorativos-do-minister-ricardo-barros-e-ressaltam-verdade-sobre-gestao-do-sus/), in which our representative entities contest a recent declaration of Mr. Minister of Health, Ricardo Barros. Board of the CBR