SRP invites to the Pneumoconiosis Radiological Reading Course

SRP invites you to the Course on Radiological Reading of Pneumoconioses according to the standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO), held in Curitiba, from April 10th to 13th, under the supervision of fundacentro. The course is aimed at radiologists, pulmonologists, as well as for the areas of occupational medicine and internal medicine, and … Continue lendo

New edition of the Hands On CBR Course deals with Interstitial Lung Diseases

After addressing the theme “Pancreas” in its first edition, held in December 2018, the Hands On CBR Course takes place again in March, now addressing “Lung Interstitial Diseases”. The course will feature a theoretical context related to the most recent consensus on interstitial pneumonia and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. So approximately… Continue lendo

RJ: Association promotes Diagnostic Imaging Course in Emergencies

The Rio de Janeiro State Association of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis (SRad-RJ) has just launched its first Imaging Diagnosis Course in Emergencies. Coordinated by the scientific director of the entity, Dr. Alessandro Severo, the course will bring together radiologists with notorious knowledge in their areas of expertise and will have the participation of clinicians and … Continue lendo