CBR Repudiation Note to Decree No. 11,999/2024

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (CBR), aligned with the concerns of national medical entities, expresses its vehement rejection of Decree No. 11,999, published on April 17, 2024. This Decree was promulgated without any dialogue with current members of the National Medical Residency Commission (CNRM) and other medical entities… Continue lendo

The relationship between the resident and the preceptor and shared responsibility

Medical residency is a modality of postgraduate teaching, characterized by in-service training, under the guidance of professionals with high ethical and professional qualifications. Within the scope of this relationship, therefore, it is essential to supervise the teaching of residents, thus creating a preceptor-apprentice/student-teacher bond. Thus, being the preceptor the supervisor of the medical acts and responsible … Continue lendo

Annual Resident Assessment is carried out in 12 cities in Brazil

Residents from different parts of Brazil participated, on January 27, in the 2019 Annual Evaluation of Residents and Improvers. Known for the extreme care in its preparation, both from the pedagogical point of view and radiological content, the evaluation is an initiative of Colégio Brasileiro Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (CBR) since 2001 and … Continue lendo