Cbr On launches radiology course in medical graduation

Launched last February 13th, the Cbr On Radiology course in Medical Graduation is now available on the Escola Digital platform. The course is free for CBR members. The content was specially prepared so that medical students and residents learn more about the themes and functions of … Continue lendo

The relationship between the resident and the preceptor and shared responsibility

Medical residency is a modality of postgraduate teaching, characterized by in-service training, under the guidance of professionals with high ethical and professional qualifications. Within the scope of this relationship, therefore, it is essential to supervise the teaching of residents, thus creating a preceptor-apprentice/student-teacher bond. Thus, being the preceptor the supervisor of the medical acts and responsible … Continue lendo

CBR18: The Brazilian Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging Residents Marathon is coming!

Completing its third year, the Brazilian Marathon of Residents in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (MBR) will take place again in 2018. Registration will be free for those enrolled in the XLVII Brazilian Congress of Radiology (CBR18), where the activity takes place. The objectives of the "MBR" are to promote rapprochement between resident physicians and trainees from different institutions, … Continue lendo