Minas Gerais will receive Course on Radiological Reading of Pneumoconiosis

Held by Fundacentro and the Radiology Society of Minas Gerais, with the support of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR), the Brazilian Society of Pulmonology and Phthisiology and the National Association of Occupational Medicine, the course aims to train and qualify physicians in radiological reading of pneumoconiosis. The activity, which will take place from 7 … Continue lendo

CBR prepares for the Pernambucana and Paranaense Journeys, both in June

Last weekend, CBR was present at the Jornada Gaúcha de Radiologia 2019 and at the II Jornada Goiás-Brasília / Clube do Interior. The College congratulates the state societies for organizing and for providing participants with an intense program, with excellent opportunities to share knowledge and experiences. CBR President Dr. Alair Sarmet … Continue lendo

Winners of the 3rd Brazilian Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging Residents Marathon attend the ARRS Congress in Honolulu, Hawaii

Doctors Arthur Magalhães de Oliveira, José Cláudio Nogueira Junqueira and Thiago Menezes Baraviera, residents at Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo, are members of the winning group of the 3rd Brazilian Marathon of Residents in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging, a radiological knowledge competition sponsored by company Bayer and held at the Brazilian Congress of Radiology … Continue lendo

CBR supports the 4th International Health Leadership Forum (FILIS)

The 4th International Health Leadership Forum, held by the Brazilian Association of Diagnostic Medicine (Abramed) is already part of the agenda of managers, specialists and other health professionals. CBR is a supporter of this event which, in this edition, will have the theme “Diagnostic Medicine: more value for a health system in transformation”, with the modules: … Continue lendo

CBR is present at JPR 2019 with various activities

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging was present in another edition of the Jornada Paulista de Radiologia (JPR2019), which reached its 49th edition. The board had an intense schedule of strategic meetings to discuss matters of interest to the specialty, such as meetings with the coordinators of the various CBR commissions, with the … Continue lendo