Solemn Session marks 70 years of CBR

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) turns 70 this Saturday, September 15th. To celebrate the institution's anniversary, a Solemn Commemorative Session was held this Friday (14th), at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (FMUSP). Several fellow radiologists, board members, presidents of societies were present... Continue lendo

doctor Alexander Margulis: eternal inspiration for Radiology

Renowned educator and researcher, Dr. Alexander Margulis died on September 7, at the age of 97, in New York City (USA), a fact that is considered a great loss for the specialty. Known as the “founding father of Gastrointestinal Radiology,” Dr. Margulis has contributed to countless radiologists and scientists around the world and is, … Continue lendo

CBR turns 70 on September 15th

The month of September is a period of celebration for the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis and, this year, it is even more special: the CBR completes 70 years of history! There are seven decades of work on behalf of radiologists, Radiology and Medicine, focusing on better assistance to … Continue lendo

CBR has the prerogative, legally guaranteed, to confer specialist titles

The CBR, due to an agreement signed with the AMB, has the legally guaranteed prerogative, possibly together with other associations, of granting the following specialist titles and certificates in the area of expertise: Radiology and Image Diagnosis General Ultrasound Ultrasound in Gynecology and Obstetrics Mammography Vascular ultrasound with Doppler Bone densitometry Diagnostic neuroradiology … Continue lendo

Medical entities forward proposals to presidential candidates

The national medical entities, the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM), the Brazilian Medical Association (AMB), the Brazilian Medical Federation (FMB), the National Federation of Doctors (Fenam) and the National Association of Resident Doctors (ANMR) have launched a manifesto to candidates the President of the Republic with proposals to improve health in Brazil, which were elaborated during the XIII … Continue lendo

Exams without medical order

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis receives several queries from members regarding the examination without a medical request, that is, the patient who comes to the imaging service spontaneously, wanting to undergo an examination. Article 37 of the Code of Medical Ethics is emphatic in prohibiting the prescription of treatments or other procedures … Continue lendo

Oversight of Radiology services by advice from other professions

With some frequency, it is reported that professional councils outside the field of medicine have extrapolated their functions, supervising radiology services, requesting documents and formulating unfounded demands. In this perspective, service owners and administrators must know the legislation that deals with the subject, as well as the position of our courts in this regard, in order to … Continue lendo

ABCDI holds workshop on cost, results and supply management

The Brazilian Association of Diagnostic Imaging Clinics (ABCDI), under the direction of Dr. Ademar José de Oliveira Paes Junior, carried out, in partnership with the Brazilian Association of Diagnostic Medicine (ABRAMED), Planisa and Bionexo, a free Workshop with the theme “Cost Management, Results and Supplies”. The purpose of the activity was to contribute to… Continue lendo